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Let's go home

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A typical folk song.

Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take.

Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions. In case you weren’t aware, he’s the king of folk, modern and postmodern.

And away we went
Off on our own
Oh so confident
That we’d be coming back home

Time went by
As it always does
And before we realized it
We’d forgotten our trust

Lets go home
I’m tired of wandering around
Let’s go home right now

Years have gone passed
Just like they are days
I didn’t know I could last
so long
so far away

I’m tired of all of this
It’s beautiful here, sure
But it’s just not me

This is our chance
To make love out of life
I know you want it now, need it now
I can see it in your eyes

So lets move forward
One last time
Let’s stop thinking (always thinking)
If it’s wrong or right

Let’s just go home
No more wandering around
Let’s just go home right now.

Guest said

so beautifull !

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Something to listen to with headphones and with eyes closed. Very, very nice music and a wonderful voice.

Project Ungidos's avatar
Project Ungidos said

show, show... the best song

forest fagan's avatar
forest fagan said

Yeah! Lyrics tell the story!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

stark and direct ...sweet melancholia. Wonderful and passionate. Love your voice and the guitar is perfect.

Guest's avatar
Guest said

sweet track! Very soft and beautiful! I like that it was the first full take.

Guest said

is moving forward returning home? happy new year, Mr. Alonetone

Guest said

I love this song G-Mardie

eshar's avatar
eshar said

That was really nice....gentle and slightly melancholic, but that suited my mood perfectly.

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

--yUp; yes sir!!

Jane Gould's avatar
Jane Gould said

I like the natural feel of this song,I think it's nice.

Liam Sanders's avatar
Liam Sanders said

Nice song, I really like your gentle almost whispered voice

Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard said

Man, I don't know what to say. Too good.

ANGSTROT's avatar

Wow...that is really sweet! I can hear that in a movie soundtrack somewhere.

Guest said

Wow...that is really sweet! I can hear that in a movie soundtrack somewhere.

BraedenVMusic's avatar
BraedenVMusic said

this is nice man

Project Ungidos's avatar
Project Ungidos said


Guest said

chill thoughts are racing trough my brain when listening to this. Sweet guitar tune all the way!

djrim's avatar
djrim said

What a Web Site!!!!!!!!!!God Bless Ya !!

Guest said

Very very nice indeed!

Memoir's avatar
Memoir said

Wish I had your voice, bro. Your music never ceases to amaze me.

Guest said

wow sudara. Very strong, emotional song. Love the lyrics and singing. AND the guitar.

earworm's avatar
earworm said

thank you.

Half Moon Tuesday's avatar
Half Moon Tuesday said

I really dig this one! Reminds me of the Mountain Goats - Sunset Tree. Thanks!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

The song sticks in my head. Can't help but think of Some of Rodger Waters vocals in the Final Cut. Faved

Guest said

Sounds good to me!

Lil' mar mar's avatar
Lil' mar mar said

very nice song. vocal is very soulful.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Thats a deep sounding song for a simple strum-and-sing, really good, deep, heavy. Its got girth.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

something unusual. . . something strange. . . Close to perfection. . . . sublime! I love it bro!

myanmar's avatar
myanmar said

wow, I like it. where can I get the lyrics.?

yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

This tune will always hold a special place in my heart for it was the perfect ending to the 24 hour challenge. Just wish I had been the one to write it! :)

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Beautiful man!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

You may be surprised to hear it, but I really like this one!

Guest said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Chilling on the first listen. This is a fine song. Gracious and gentle. Very well preformed.

haz's avatar
haz said

Beautiful. And what good timing, you'll be home in a few days!

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

What is it about late night recording that adds melancholy beauty to certain tunes? Lovely feel, great song

Guest said

Extremely pretty, well delivered with sentimental lyrics. Nice one boss!

Guest said

I'm tired of wondering around, lets go home right now. If I had a coin for every time I uttered that to myself...

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Wow. It's been too long. Great song.

Guest said

This is great, full of feeling!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool

Guest said

Oh you uploaded! <3 Tender and authentic. And it wasn't your trousers you'd forgotten after all!

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

Yeah Come back home!! I love the song!

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Simple and Serene. Great chord progression. Love the vocals.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Typical or not...we like it!! w;-)

Guest said

Great tune well done. But sounds more like it was 3am dst thing.

henky's avatar
henky said

brilliant! would be fitting to a film like the grocer's son.

Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

Bravo Sudara, sweet song!

Guest said

Excellent! It has the feel of Dylan's It Ain't Me Babe. Awesome voice.

Guest said

superb lyrics.

Guest said

Really like the vocals. They sound really good! The acoustic is beautiful too! Great track man!

Guest said

