Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) Now here's a bit of an oldie - the second song I ever wrote. In... 1978! I think I played it once, or maybe twice, at school assemblies. My musical peers and colleagues back then dismissed it as corny/rancid pop music…
Anton's avatar
Anton said

It's so warm, the music reminds me of Elton John's recordings.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here's another song from 1994, with a sparkling new "Andrew Russe Band" arrangement fresh from the broom-cupboard. Like most of my songs, it was written with an acoustic guitar, a pen, and an A4 pad. The ones…
Anton's avatar
Anton said

Very emotional song, loved the fuzz guitar and solos!

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here is the first reply to In Your Hands. I say "first" because I've found another one, When I Try To Be Me, that Mrs R says I have to do too... but that's unlikely to be the next one I post because I'm working…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I'll try again. lost the comment. I said, I love the clean guitar and vocal. Why don't we ask more questions. We make such lousy assumptions. Sometimes e find out too late.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here is the first reply to In Your Hands. I say "first" because I've found another one, When I Try To Be Me, that Mrs R says I have to do too... but that's unlikely to be the next one I post because I'm working…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Great clean guitar and vocal. How oblivious we can be. We make assumptions. Why don't we ask more questions?

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) Now here's a bit of an oldie - the second song I ever wrote. In... 1978! I think I played it once, or maybe twice, at school assemblies. My musical peers and colleagues back then dismissed it as corny/rancid pop music…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Love is always a teeny bopper thing. You capture it here. I have learned never to dismiss a song just because someone dismiss it, too. I had no idea how beloved I PLAY C would become. And thank you for listening commenting on my Shorts.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And this is the last of the little threesome of In Your Hands, Little Thing, and this one, When I Try To Be Me. It's in the key of 4th fret and was written just over a month later than the other two, on 19th March…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"I want you to be happy I long for you to be free..." That scares me. It sounds like, "Goodbye." Love the clean guitar sound.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here's another song from 1994, with a sparkling new "Andrew Russe Band" arrangement fresh from the broom-cupboard. Like most of my songs, it was written with an acoustic guitar, a pen, and an A4 pad. The ones…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Love how you g from the simple to the huge...great guitars. And the lyric, so intense.

Andrew Russe's avatar
This is an oldie. Recorded in 2005. It was the first recording I finished on a DAW, but I'd played it a lot in the last band I was in (around the turn of the century). I think it was written in the mid 90s. It's about one of the casualties of…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Yes angular ,like the twist of it

Andrew Russe's avatar
This is an oldie. Recorded in 2005. It was the first recording I finished on a DAW, but I'd played it a lot in the last band I was in (around the turn of the century). I think it was written in the mid 90s. It's about one of the casualties of…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

How did I miss this ....superb!! 10 out of 10 sir ...

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here's another song from 1994, with a sparkling new "Andrew Russe Band" arrangement fresh from the broom-cupboard. Like most of my songs, it was written with an acoustic guitar, a pen, and an A4 pad. The ones…
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

this is really moody and really well produced. dark and and Pink Floyd vibes.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here's another song from 1994, with a sparkling new "Andrew Russe Band" arrangement fresh from the broom-cupboard. Like most of my songs, it was written with an acoustic guitar, a pen, and an A4 pad. The ones…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Nice song. Like the stop up at 2:00. Pretty intense. I’m laughing a bit about the name ‘lament ‘which obviously was supposed to be ‘the practical gardener’. That sounds familiar with my stuff too., lol. 15 years can put a new perspective on almost anything. Cheers.

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here's another song from 1994, with a sparkling new "Andrew Russe Band" arrangement fresh from the broom-cupboard. Like most of my songs, it was written with an acoustic guitar, a pen, and an A4 pad. The ones…
GONeil's avatar
GONeil said

Very Cool Song my Friend. G

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

How fucking great is this! I'm hitting the bicycle right now. In the head while riding will be Aha aha ah ah ah ah ah ah aha aha aha

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Guest said

Crikey this is good!

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And this is the last of the little threesome of In Your Hands, Little Thing, and this one, When I Try To Be Me. It's in the key of 4th fret and was written just over a month later than the other two, on 19th March…
Guest said

Wow, love your sound....I downloaded a couple so I can listen as I have time driving and running....from Amazing ....

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) Here it is in all of its glory... THIS is the song that Mrs R and I had decided was a suitable response to a request to "Upload something HAPPY, stat!!!!!!!!!" I tried to record it back in 2013 when I wrote it…
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

7:11 am in Cali. . Happy As Fuck! Great sense of order. I'll be taking a shot of vodka now!

Andrew Russe's avatar
A tale of keeping your head above the water, or not... Recorded Jan-Feb 2011. I wrote it many years ago, never thought I'd ever do anything with it. I intended to record this with just an acoustic and my new EDB (electric upright bass…
Paul Matthews's avatar
Paul Matthews said

Super track - 70s feel and I get echoes of Family and Alex Harvey here....!

Andrew Russe's avatar
**** Jan 17 2015 - Remixed. I was always kinda disappointed with what the original mix sounded like. Listening to it the other day I realised what it is - I'd mixed the vocals too loud. This reduced the "stereo" and killed off a lot of the life…
Paul Matthews's avatar
Paul Matthews said

I really like this track Andrew..... another right up my alley! Great production and that prog rock style that I love....

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here's another song from 1994, with a sparkling new "Andrew Russe Band" arrangement fresh from the broom-cupboard. Like most of my songs, it was written with an acoustic guitar, a pen, and an A4 pad. The ones…
Pat Bondy's avatar
Pat Bondy said

Ah yesss! This is fantastic :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) OK, let's delve once more into the magical shoebox of unused songs... I've already recorded several that were written in 1994 (Sleeping with the Ghost, Elizabeth's Room, With Mum Again, If You Knew, A Hundred and…
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

My credo belongs to this and many of your songs. The only old songs are the ones that have been on the top of charts. Everything else is brand new, mostly unheard and on it's way to the charts. You have great music. I hit the strip like the super ego driven organ grinder monkey I am. Nothing can truly put words to the experiences of 76 to 96 and so on
