(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
Well, I'm almost on a roll now - this little love song was written, arranged, and recorded in just a week. I've been meaning to attempt something like this for years, just never got round to it.
I'd actually settled down to finally record a…
A new one...
I wrote it on 5th February, and managed to record it in less than a month (a head-cold and lack of hearing in one ear slowed the last lap somewhat).
But seeing as the last one took over 8 months, I think I'm already ahead for…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009.
I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in.
The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Do love a golden oldie, great song, as I record on a Boss, we love Mr. Boss : ) And yes could be on any Family album ..... are you sure you're not Roger .....
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009.
I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in.
The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009.
I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in.
The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009.
I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in.
The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Electric blues. Recorded 2007. I was learning how to use my DAW and trying to figure out how a one-man-band could get to sound like a bunch of old bluesers in a sweaty bar...
**Rabbit Boy - A A J Russe**
Well she don't mind crying…
A song about my wife. Recorded 2005.
I'd just taught myself how to play piano (badly).
I'd always wanted to be Freddie Mercury when I was younger... still got a bit of a ways to go.
**Now It's Done - A A J Russe**
I said it…
My spirit's been running wild
Chasing cats, and howling at the moon
I've felt this way for awhile dear
Yeah someday, I'm gonna marry you.
So go put on your firey cap,
Be my anchor and my mast.
If I ever feel lost at sea,
I'll just remember…
A brand new song....
Don't listen to the man
You know who!
Since we can't play together because of the lockdown we all played our parts at home.
Hans Nooitgedagt Jr - drums
Bingsolex - guitars
Erwin B - bass
KC - vocals, guitars, keys…
wow I haven't uploaded on here in 2 years....
this is a remake I did last year of a song I did in 2015...
Still not perfect & I might redo it again but hey ho...
Wow... this one's intense. Love how you were reaching for stuff here... I can see the progression from the earlier version which was almost TOO intense for us!! lol
soooooooo this is an acoustic-y (technical term) song about something... reevaluating the lyrics suggests possibly a murder? (tho idk it can mean anything tbh)...
i wrote this song today and then recorded it today and then was like wooaah why…
I was listening to your stuff late last night, early this morning... wotever... Playing it to Mrs R now... she hears the same thing as me... You have an AMAZING voice... do some more - PLEASE! :)
Keyboards (bagpipes) performed by Starry Nightmoth. Lead guitar by George Harrison. Vocals and all other instruments performed by Gene Eric Mann. Thunder and rain by Mother Nature. Lyrics by John Lennon.
so.... i first wrote & recorded this song in 2015, and then did a new version in 2017, and here's my updated 2020 version...
still not totally happy with it but... here we are anyway lol...
A new song that I wrote last week
This lockdown starts to work on my nerves
Caught in a lockdown – And there's no way out
It drives me crazy – Wanna shout out loud
Caught in a lockdown – The days all look the same
I'm losing track…
One of the last songs we recorded before the lockdown
Hans Nooitgedagt Jr - drums
Bingsolex - lead guitar
Erwin B - bass, recording
KC - vocals, guitar, keys & mix
When you told me I was blind
It almost blew my mind
When you told…
Fabulous groove. Nice balance too - everything's really clear... There's a "real musicians playing real music and getting off on it" vibe. Love how it kicks off, promises much, and then the song doesn't disappoint. Nice one.
Toms tune, lyrics, vocals, guitars, bass
Chris drums Johnny Keys
You Were There
You were there
With yellow flowers in your hair
And the summer air seemed to get us high
The county fair
Was lit up like a caution flare
And it was there…
Tom and Chris’s tune, Toms lyrics, vocals, guitars, bass, mando, banjo, harp and some keys
Chris drums - Johnny Keys
Poor Mans Paradise
I was born in a thunderstorm
Rolling down highway one
With the poor mans tax upon my back
Garys tune, lyrics, vocals, guitars, bass
Chris Drums
Johnny Keys
Why’d You Have To Go
Listening to "Triptones - What Colors You?" while working away in another window... this one jumped out at me as it started... that guitar... brought me over to comment... loving the album so far :) ... you keep playing guys... I'll go back to documenting "Batch Printing - Request" now lol
A few thoughts on this one....
First.. does that... could it... do you think... Reggae? I wasn't planning on that but it just sort of happened. I'm not sure how but... I think... I think I might like it.
In a spur of the moment thing…
Oh yes, nice one. Digging the tempo changes. And some excellent guitar playing. I'm never sure about EC's "woman tone" thing, seems to work best for me on an SG (possibly because of the neck pickup closer to the bridge?) ... but you got some very cool sounds out of it here... I might have to experiment again
This is a song that I wrote some years ago
I wasn't satisfied with the result and completely rerecorded it
I woke up this morning, tried to get out of bed
My head was in a spin. Lord, I felt so bad
My hands were trembling, my knees…
Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff
wow!!!! Your voice is just epic!!! I love the pacing of this song. It makes me want to know all the backstory about Edith. An instant fav...
Love the slide! What a great song. No one warns us that vowel sounds matter when writing lyrics, but you nailed it.
Brilliant ...
So very cool. Not my place, but I wish the outro was also the intro. I like what I like. I liked that very much.
Really really good. I thank you.
Great song perfectly executed.
Dig it right from the first note cool work on the slide you know how to write to song :-) KC
Wow! Fantastic work - Loving the bass work 👏
THAT SLIDE IS TO DIE FOR, CRY FOR OH MY. Brass on strings my fav
Cool song, great slide work!
Great track!
Wonderful medley of tones weaving in and out. Love it! That slide is captivating.
Oh yes Andrew .... Epic ..... Dark ..... Love it.
That’s a real energetic Edith at the beginning of the verse she certainly gets it ...loving it ....nice solo ....
Do love a golden oldie, great song, as I record on a Boss, we love Mr. Boss : ) And yes could be on any Family album ..... are you sure you're not Roger .....
Another quality recording from the broom cupboard
Excellent writing. The key modulation grabs me in that sweet spot
Outstanding song and message!
Dance music!! Love it.
Just beautiful...
Comments made by Andrew Russe
Over five years late to this... sorry. Love it though.
Nice one.
Wow... this one's intense. Love how you were reaching for stuff here... I can see the progression from the earlier version which was almost TOO intense for us!! lol
We're liking the two voice thing.
We really like this one.
I was listening to your stuff late last night, early this morning... wotever... Playing it to Mrs R now... she hears the same thing as me... You have an AMAZING voice... do some more - PLEASE! :)
Still miss you Gene
I like all three versions. This is the one that pulled me in.
Liking your stuff.
Very interesting... just searched Sonic Pi... VERY interesting.
Like it! Getting a laid back Tom Petty vibe.
Cool! I'm intrigued to know what else you're going to do on these tracks once the world has returned to normal and you've got access to more kit.
Fabulous groove. Nice balance too - everything's really clear... There's a "real musicians playing real music and getting off on it" vibe. Love how it kicks off, promises much, and then the song doesn't disappoint. Nice one.
Another goodie. Digging the bass sound on this one.
Another mighty fine album. Well done guys :)
Loving the banjo, harp, etc vibe
Listening to "Triptones - What Colors You?" while working away in another window... this one jumped out at me as it started... that guitar... brought me over to comment... loving the album so far :) ... you keep playing guys... I'll go back to documenting "Batch Printing - Request" now lol
Oh yes, nice one. Digging the tempo changes. And some excellent guitar playing. I'm never sure about EC's "woman tone" thing, seems to work best for me on an SG (possibly because of the neck pickup closer to the bridge?) ... but you got some very cool sounds out of it here... I might have to experiment again
Excellent stuff - does it for me.
Yep sounds even better on my main set up. Excellent start to my working at home day :)