Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
Will Stelter's avatar
Will Stelter said

Very very cool instrumentation! I'm a sucker for water imagery as well, but love the references to current things (though James already said it). Awesome job.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
darkarma's avatar
darkarma said

Enjoying a Sunday scotch and this.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Aah, the English summer, love the groove....excuse me, I'm off on a cruise lifeboat's please !!!!!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Great *"Feel Good"* Song. Makes me want to fill the car up and take a drive.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
jip's avatar
jip said

Ha! Good one, got me swinging!Head nodding along. Like the lyrics too...old man in the corner...chalk his cue. Great.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

I LOVE IT! Nice and upbeat, swingy, boppy, smiley :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks)'s avatar
Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks) said

this is so cool ... really enjoyed the groove you got going ... great vox and slid age and that organ is the icing on the cake.. Makes me want to get out my blues harp and jam...

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Ooh yeah here that organ poking in and out in the right channel now. Great recording. Love these lyrics.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Feets started tappin' straight away,this bounces along very nicely!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Oh!you are awful....but i do like your Honkey tonk.....

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

This was well worth the wait. Superb! I love the reference to what is current these days....hint hint..I like the entrance of the keys and organ at 2:42, masterful. Love it.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Here we go. This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining... If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough... Lollies, chips, and beer…
Guest said ever, a highly enjoyable listen - great attitude and instrumentation - naughty, but nice!

Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
Guest said

Andrew,mighty country slow bluesy winner.this set of lyrics is why ilistento country tunes .. Faved

Andrew Russe's avatar
I can't quite believe that I'm posting this, or that I've even recorded it. But I've played it like this sat on the sofa in the living room for many years, and I needed something to check out how to record a live "one vocal and one guitar" song…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Still love your version of this classic...........

Andrew Russe's avatar
Recorded Oct 2010. It was meant to be a full band pop-rock song. But I started overdubbing on the original exploratory demo I'd done to work out the arrangement (with no click track). I kept coming back to it intending to start afresh... but…
Tiggy Acworth's avatar
Tiggy Acworth said

Really enjoying your songs...mellow listening, great lyrics. Class production!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Mike Grunert's avatar
Mike Grunert said

Nice melody, catchy and I like the way the intensity builds!

Andrew Russe's avatar
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit. When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Still excellent.......

Andrew Russe's avatar
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit. When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Tiggy Acworth's avatar
Tiggy Acworth said

I like, I like this song! Great vibe, lyrics...your wife must be lovely. And the lyrics here so I can sing along confidently...great for twiddling along to on guitar too!;-)

Andrew Russe's avatar
A song about my wife. Recorded 2005. I'd just taught myself how to play piano (badly). I'd always wanted to be Freddie Mercury when I was younger... still got a bit of a ways to go. **** **Now It's Done - A A J Russe** I said it…
facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

What a lovely song Andrew , quite touching

Andrew Russe's avatar
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit. When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Tiggy Acworth's avatar
Tiggy Acworth said

Great song man! Thank you for all your nice comments...makes it all worthwhile.
