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Oh Darling (COVER)

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A few months back we had a “Beatlesfest” on

I contributed this and Yesterday.

This one’s a bit of a departure for me. Not the song itself - it’s been one of my favourites ever since I was tiny (I preferred Robin Gibb’s version though!). But the way I recorded it. It was one mic, me and a guitar. Usually I have to overdub at least 20 other parts!

Guest said

Oh yeah, I love me some Beatles! Any Beatles, even the trippier stuff (maybe especially, haha). This one is certainly a fave of mine, and you give a great rendition here. I did not know Robin Gibb had a version of this, dang Imma have to check that out too! You definitely have the soulfulness down, as I feel that's what the song entails. Great great great! =D

Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

One of my faves - love it :)

chesook's avatar
chesook said

This bare-bones version really showcases how great this melody is. Well done!

Guest said

Wow so far all of your covers's are ace! worth the listens....are you sure your not related to Jack Johnson?

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Brilliant .

Guest said

My word, this is fantastic. Wonderful vocal, makes it compulsive listening.

Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

ya floored me here, man
