Comments on Breaking Light's stuff

Breaking Light's avatar
live at Hip Pocket Theatre, Fort Worth.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Real clean mix. I'm lovin' this ambient project. They keep gettin' better.

Breaking Light's avatar
A live one. The beginning is Autumn Descent, which I uploaded last week.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Kirk, you listened to whole thing? cheez, I'm flattened.

Breaking Light's avatar
A live one. The beginning is Autumn Descent, which I uploaded last week.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool! Liking how this is developing after the 10 minute mark. Nice stuff man!

Breaking Light's avatar
A live one. The beginning is Autumn Descent, which I uploaded last week.
Guest said

Cool chill out tune.

Breaking Light's avatar
live at Hip Pocket Theatre, Fort Worth.
Guest said

Moonlight echoes.

Breaking Light's avatar
live at Hip Pocket Theatre, Fort Worth.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Good stuff.

Breaking Light's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Great loop!

Breaking Light's avatar
A live one. The beginning is Autumn Descent, which I uploaded last week.
underwood's avatar
underwood said

great guitar sounds. what gear are you using?

Breaking Light's avatar
live at Hip Pocket Theatre, Fort Worth.
Guest said

psychedelic space rock:) awesome!

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
launched's avatar
launched said

Right on cool!! Happy fall :)

Breaking Light's avatar
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Masterful work.

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Same to you. Love this one! Faved.

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
Guest said

Wonderful soothing sounds! Last year, I made a playlist of magical, ambient tracks. This encourages me to make another. Happy Autumn Equinox to you too. :-)

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
KraftiM's avatar
KraftiM said

well this is laid back, very nice.....

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
Guest said

wonder-coolio piece!

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
Guest said

Yes, this is brilliant indeed! FNG!

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Man- You're doing some brilliant stuff lately! Very cool!

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
Guest said

Cool effects.

Breaking Light's avatar
Quite by accident I was listening to Chris Vaisvil's time stretched piece and had the improvFriday player going at the same time. It was like that chocolate and peanut butter thing, you know? So here is Chris' Out of My Body used as a backdrop…
KraftiM's avatar
KraftiM said

huge impressive drony piece. Great atmosphere, and I know it's hard to keep it sparse, so was a bit restless around 17/18 mins and was glad to flow back in the great mood again from 19 on. Very well krafted, and can imagine the fun of making it....the longer it takes, the more you wanna play... and less is more, so from 24 on i float again towards heaven..... nice piece indeed, to be consumed horizontally

Breaking Light's avatar
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

wild fun groovy baby yeah hoooo great sound
