Comments on Breaking Light's stuff

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

MTC, ebow yes with two different delays active.

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

One more time.... Ebow?

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Norm's avatar
Norm said


Breaking Light's avatar
I'm a part of an improv guitar trio called Strung, Drawn and Quartered, and we play gigs maybe once or twice a year. This one's from last night. Darrin Kobetich - guitar Bill Pohl - guitar Kavin - guitar, loops
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great stuff! That was an enjoyable 10 minutes!

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Guest said

delicious bass! sweet jam!

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

this is really great stuff! i love the bass loop. it gives your awesome, spacey, breaking light signature guitar meditations a place to hang on to and call home :)

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

~LOVE~ w;-)

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Sweet! Dig the spacy slide parts!

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Love this concept. The slight click of the pedal as it alters the track. Great track to share.

Breaking Light's avatar
Loop idea recorded during gig rehearsal. Room miked so you can hear me stomping on pedals.
Guest said

Oh yeah! Love this! Great groove to the bass.

Breaking Light's avatar
Taylor acoustic live looping
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

One of my fav's of yours. I listen to this one almost every week. ;)

Breaking Light's avatar
acoustic Light! A nod to the great Ralph Towner.
Guest said

Thanks to MMI for bringing this one back to the homepage - I nearly missed it! Crystal cool!

Breaking Light's avatar
acoustic Light! A nod to the great Ralph Towner.
mmi's avatar
mmi said

I'm really liking this a lot.

Breaking Light's avatar
Recorded a rehearsal session for a gig.
RKMartin's avatar
RKMartin said

Ha! Thought I was the only one left who knew about "folding space"!!! Great stuff!!!

Breaking Light's avatar
A loop improv based on a chord progression suggested by my friend and guitarmeister Bill Pohl.
Guest said

Beautiful Chord progression and slide ambient heaven.

Breaking Light's avatar
acoustic Light! A nod to the great Ralph Towner.
Guest said

Majestic piece man!

Breaking Light's avatar
acoustic Light! A nod to the great Ralph Towner.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Most excellent!

Breaking Light's avatar
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

and thank you for the harmonic payoff with that final cadence :) i would clap too if i were there

Breaking Light's avatar
happy autumnal equinox everybody!
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

this is a beautiful ambient album. breaks plenty of new ground and at the same time makes me nostalgic for u2's unforgettable fire. brilliant stuff.

Breaking Light's avatar
Two ambient guitar tracks recorded independently and stick together. I broke my rule of not using distortion on a BL piece, for the first time, believe it or no.
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

very cool. this is what the aurora borealis sounds like.
