Comments on Breaking Light's stuff

Breaking Light's avatar
Quite by accident I was listening to Chris Vaisvil's time stretched piece and had the improvFriday player going at the same time. It was like that chocolate and peanut butter thing, you know? So here is Chris' Out of My Body used as a backdrop…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Its bad form to fav something with your own work - nonetheless I like what you've done here!!

Breaking Light's avatar
More harmonic/rhythmic tap with an ipod synth cherry on top.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I like this alot! Nice sound and space!

Breaking Light's avatar
More harmonic/rhythmic tap with an ipod synth cherry on top.
Guest said

beautiful guitar layers!

Breaking Light's avatar
More harmonic/rhythmic tap with an ipod synth cherry on top.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Neat! This is inspiring me to dig out the DL4 and start playing electric again

Breaking Light's avatar
More harmonic/rhythmic tap with an ipod synth cherry on top.
Guest said

Pretty swanky.

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
mmi's avatar
mmi said

I happened to be in MD one summer when the 17 year cicadas came out to make their noise. Walking around I felt I was on the set of an old sci-fi flick set on an alien planet. This brought me back.

Breaking Light's avatar
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Silky smooth Kavin. I'm digging this project of yours. Inspiring....

Breaking Light's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

This is just beautiful. w;-)

Breaking Light's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Lovely piece man! Wish I had been there!

Breaking Light's avatar
Guest said

cool chords.

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

@Mannequin Yes sampled the cicadas at daughters soccer practice. Found they are only active certain times of the day (8pm in this case). The sound they make is the embodiment of summer for me.

Breaking Light's avatar
underwood's avatar
underwood said


Breaking Light's avatar
Guest said


Breaking Light's avatar
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Breaking Light's avatar

warmly fills the room. great piece.

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Love the cicadas in here! Did you sample those yourself? Awesome soundscapes. Otherworldly at times. This would be great for a cinematic piece!

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Is this Paul's extreme stretch? Nice work!

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

@sandbags thanks sir, I added some cicadas to the super slowed down guitar. Also new comment.

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

This is another of those tracks where I look for the 'double favourite' button in vain.

Breaking Light's avatar
Timestretched acoustic guitar, cicadas. A sonic tribute to Ray Bradbury, who turns 90 this Sunday.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Oh you've outdone yourself this time. What a wonderful piece. By three minutes I was being propelled through the inky void towards unknown stars. I could have listened to this **forever**.
