Colleen Dillon's listening history

Robert James's avatar
I really wish I could sing. This one was written for the 2014 50/90. I remember it clearly. I set up with the intention of working on something else but plugged in my guitar and played this without thinking about it. Well, I guess I was…
thetworegs's avatar
I was watching the breeze in the trees and it got me to thinking ........ Winter I look into the trees and I see that the breeze is blowing and I’m beginning to freeze Cause the wintertime is coming cause the leaves have started blowing…
oldfolks2's avatar
What can I say, brilliant Ray.
oldfolks2's avatar
So, I had this mad idea of a song with just two chords, well I do like a bit of insanity now and again.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
JOHNNY BROKE AN AXLE 110220 I got revved up on blueberry donut holes and cranked this one out... Johnny broke an axle Broke it like a pencil Oh, no. We need an ambulance at turn three. Johnny broke an axle Broke it like a pencil…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
CATTAILS AND BUTTERFLIES capo @ 4 in C C G repeat There was a field around the corner And a stream flowed cross the field There were cat tails in the summer time And monarch butterflies And tadpoles sprouting wings E…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
A friend asked me, "Don't you have any happy songs?" So I wrote one! IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY capo @ 3 C F C If it makes you happy I will tie your shoe C…
oldfolks2's avatar
So I had this song, not quite finished, I sort of insisted Greg Connor sing it, he also wrote the last verse. Steve Krell added the solo break. I think they helped to bring the song alive. Oh yeah, I'm in the Chorus ...... hiding Somewhere. :) :)
thetworegs's avatar
Piano & Vocal Thanks for listening …. The owl and the Pussy cat If I was a pussy cat I’d sail of to sea I’d try and find that place where I really want to be I’d find a little island out there in the sea I’d sit on my rock and watch…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well... I have a feeling that many of us may wish for a 2020 do-over. So here's a simple song to make that wish for us all! Oh Mulligan I wake up every morning My jaw is clenched so tight Even in my dreams it’s a battle Who’s wrong and…