Comments on coelocanth's stuff

coelocanth's avatar
An ambient piece using Nanostudio app. pic by Will Shannonhouse
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This would make some interesting background music. It really frees a person's mind.

coelocanth's avatar
For the new Fall. Lots of reverse looping. Ebowed acoustic guitar, various apps, toy pianophone.
Guest said

rattled loose cozmik thoughts

coelocanth's avatar
A stretch ode to my favorite guitarist. Those of you more familiar with him will understand the reference in the title. Fahey paulstretched and manipulated.
Guest said

Sorry it ruined your life but it made my day. I was totally hooked

coelocanth's avatar
An interpretation of Jukka-Pekka Kervinen's graphic.
mmi's avatar
mmi said

What MtC said. Longer.

coelocanth's avatar
An interpretation of Jukka-Pekka Kervinen's graphic.
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said


coelocanth's avatar
An interpretation of Jukka-Pekka Kervinen's graphic.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Only one thing to say....needs to be longer...or I need to listen again :)

coelocanth's avatar
apps used: Grid,Dronestation,iGog (drums)
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

whoa never heard of any of those instruments. brutal sounds!

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said


coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Guest said

Ha, who would have thought of that! Pretty and fascinating!

coelocanth's avatar
with video, images by William Shannonhouse
Trevor Lewis's avatar
Trevor Lewis said

Some great sounds here. And I love the album cover!

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Trevor Lewis's avatar
Trevor Lewis said

Some of these sounds reminded me of U2's Zoo Station, where they intentionally wanted people to think their stereos were broken... although you track in this case sounds a lot more organic... nice work.

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

my work friend just said, "Star Wars!"

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Jeff Duke's avatar
Jeff Duke said

bad ass tune man!

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nicely done mate.

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Guest said

ooo :3 cool bro. I really dig this :D

coelocanth's avatar
left hand:melodica right hand:casio sk-1 sampling keyboard
Guest said

Spicy!! :D jk loving it :3 keep em coming.

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very interesting!

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

That's a nice burble you got there, mister. I like what you did with it. :)

coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Awesome, i love how you made us of the cd skipping. Very sweet concept.

coelocanth's avatar
RKMartin's avatar
RKMartin said

Most excellent!
