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Anthony Sweet's avatar
well....this song was written after a long conversation with a friend of mine. We talked about making a difference in the lives of those around us. How is that done? Is it done by working like mad? never seeing the kids? What are we taking with…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

A very laid back song...very soothing. A lovely composition and vocals.

diegesisfreak's avatar
eshar's avatar
eshar said

A really enjoyable listen. A nice blend of sounds and I really like the vocal clip...Thinking is a joy.

brando's avatar
A little instrumental collaboration with John MacDonald on guitar.
eshar's avatar
eshar said

A very mellow track with a beautiful melody. The drums have a 'smokey' sound about them which I particularly like. Congrats to you both for a wonderful collaboration.

Lalo Oceja's avatar
this was my first composition in the "classical" style, I made it for my daughter
eshar's avatar
eshar said

This is a lovely piece...congratulations to you. I love the piano and you have played beautifully.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
A single layer experimental composition using Elysium 0.7.7 playing the Kore 2 instrument 'Abaska Bong' through the 'Hello Repeat' effect from the Kore 2 factory library. In this track both the tempo and the pulse rate of the generators are…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

For me this one sounded a little bit how I would imagine icicles sound as they melt. A very interesting composition.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Just noodling about with a variation on one of Mark Burtons demonstration pieces for the reacTogon.
eshar's avatar
eshar said

This piece is slightly more tentative than the other two that I've listened to, but carries on the theme of illusory experience.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
A jarring Elysium composition, structurally similar to Komposition-1 but using the Kore 2 instruments "Boesen Buddy" and "Trembling strings" played simultaneously. I think I was also using an osciallator to control note velocity. I need more flexibility…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Hah...the next scene. The girl has entered the room that she thought would set her free...but instead she is confronted by her worst fear. Sorry...I'm getting carried away...but this is the effect your track is having on me. Superb

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is a very simple composition using two Elysium generators with an oscillator controlling the pulse count of the first and the offset of the second. Elysium is playing Kore 2's "Abendstern" instrument through a multi-compressor effect called…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Straight away I feel this track is very atmospheric...almost feels like a dreamlike scenario is being played out. A young girl perhaps is opening doors trying to find the one that will let her out of the dream. I love tracks that fire my imgination and this one did.

J dY Stamp's avatar
eshar's avatar
eshar said

This is one to daydream to. I can certainly imagine a cloud floating gently through a summery blue sky. Lovely

another cultural landslide's avatar
Close your eyes. Drift. Yeah. That's the idea.
Guest said

so nice.

MusicManiac 's avatar
A nice and pleasant tune!
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Had to get my Beach Walk fix today!

ELM's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

This kind of reminds me of "Close Encounters"!

WM Recordings's avatar
Noteherder and McCloud are a duo based in Brighton, UK. This project was an attempt to fuse two strands of the local experimental music scene, and is based around live performance. Noteherder is Chris Parfitt who plays Soprano Saxophone for…
Guest said

diggin' this one alot

diegesisfreak's avatar
J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said


b-kader's avatar
excerpts from: breeze, thyme a dream came true for 4 people. last friday (17th of october) we made our first complete run through "the dark side" during rehearsal. not perfect but good enough to do a 'best of'. for us it's been a magic moment…
Guest said

aha oho, weiter sooooo ...

diegesisfreak's avatar
Guest said

right from the start ,fantastic!this is an awesome dirty listen.a nice melting pot of sounds.the vocals are very cool.e

diegesisfreak's avatar
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Wow man this is out there great. Is that an American Indian in the vocals.

Slazy Spacey Slices's avatar
We're a Jazz Quartet from Innsbruck. Recording/Rough mix by Sudara.
Guest said


Greg Albrecht's avatar
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This worked out well for you greg nice one

J dY Stamp's avatar
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice mate like it real nice
