"Hey Motorman" was written for the 100 year celebration of the Ariel Lift Bridge.
The bridge was originally built in 1907 with a gondola that went from side to side carrying passengers and vehicles. It was later replaced with a lift system.
Since my ear found your voice
And my eye found your face
All the sights and the noise
Will never erase
The song I started singing
The song I sing today...
(C) 2019 Royal T Music
I wrote this about Violet.
I have a new love
Of course she doesn’t know
How can a work of art
Know when lovers come and go
And when the artist is the art!
My eyes are the eyes of the beholder
And my eyes are the eyes of the world…
…when the artist is the art…
Jackie Kelly sat next to me in 7th grade. She was great at diagramming sentences. I would catch up with her on the way to school and we would walk silently. She was buck-toothed and brash. I really liked her. I carved "JK" with a safety pin in…
I wrote the lyrics to this song a couple of weeks ago while thinking of personal reflections. I figured out the melody just in time to head down to Greg Connor's MN coffee table and get he and Mark Lofgren's great voices and guitars on it with…
Black is white
White is black
I crossed the line
I can’t go back
It all comes together
It all falls apart
I’m on the edge
From the start
I’ve gone Colour Blind
To her signs, Colour Blind
Tears on your face
A broken heart
I like the whistle, flute, recorder whatever it is!
A fitting comment on our society. I see these guys everyday in my rear view mirror. Nobody has any patience anymore.
It's a daily reminder that Darwin's theory of natural selection is alive and well.
Down this road
A night misspent
With ill intent
The devil came
But I’m to blame
The fire smoldered
her faith grew colder
Stabbed twice
In the heart
Her love bled
Her soul torn apart
From this day on…
Hi all,
I'm back to Alonetone after a long hiatus. I got the urge to record more of my songs. Since my son started playing guitar, I wanted to share with him my music. I just want to show him that music is a wonderful creative outlet to express…
From Me
I don’t care what they think
From DC to New York – Looking for you
The sky is bright – But my heart is blue
Down, down, down – Down I go
100 miles an hour on this broken road
LOVE ME, KISS ME – I can’t understand what you see in…
One of those songs that just popped out in about an hour or so, a few hours to record, why don't all songs do that !!!! https://youtu.be/4SflrrmXqXk for a video.
You got a keeper here! I really like this one! It has an ethereal quality. I noticed you had a video of this song. I'm on my way to view it.
Just something I've been working on for an audio production course. Very early Stan, and as far as I know the only track to feature a banjo.
It's the story of a tragic shipwreck that also says 'tis an ill wind as blow no one any good!
First song for the Dirty Thump II CD from Krakow, Poland!!!
kind of heavy compared to Sunset Dadeze, my band here in the good ole US sunsetdadeze.com
a retelling of every musician that wanted to deal with the devil to be a star…
Comments on Greg Connor's stuff
Great tune, great lyrics, great swing!
Comments made by Greg Connor
Beautiful and Heartfelt song!
Yes, It made me stop and think.
You have a great style, very distinctive. A complete story in less than 3 minutes.
Beautiful Song Colleen! and lots of fun .
Interesting . . . sounds like a movie theme.
Playing along at home. This song is addictive.
Great Song / Nicely presented
I like the whistle, flute, recorder whatever it is! A fitting comment on our society. I see these guys everyday in my rear view mirror. Nobody has any patience anymore. It's a daily reminder that Darwin's theory of natural selection is alive and well.
Beautiful . . . . All the way through to the harpsichord.
Here we go . . . . Banjo! This is a foot tapper, and a big smile maker.
This song has a contemplative quality for me. I found myself drifting along with it.
Setting the example and setting the pace. Way to go. When will we hear the next generation?
I love it!
Impressive! Beautifully constructed and presented.
You got a keeper here! I really like this one! It has an ethereal quality. I noticed you had a video of this song. I'm on my way to view it. https://youtu.be/4SflrrmXqXk
Great story song! Lonesome at times and then hope, or at least a reason to live in the end.
You have always had a clean production style. This is professional. Is that the audio production course, or just natural ability?
Ahhhhhhh . . . nothing better than a little banjo.
You got my feet moving!
Second time thru . . . It's fun to hear that classic "Ron Rouch" singing style mixed with Art's guitar playing.