Comments on JESMIAUS 's stuff

JESMIAUS 's avatar
My dear fine lady Oh my dear green lady the two of us underneath the tree where it tis shady I raise my glass to yours in the green grass My dear fine lady oh my dear green lady just the two of us I raise my eyebrow and wink forgettin' all the…
Guest said

keep it green.

JESMIAUS 's avatar
oh one can dream of a life of luxury a life of solitude it's all in how you choose and still don't pay no devil his due heaven is just a step away and how can this guy dream of a life of luxury of a life of solitude it's all in how you play the…
Guest said

nice n' weird.

JESMIAUS 's avatar
ACDC cover and it's a long way to the top
Guest said

Cool cover!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
ACDC cover and it's a long way to the top
Terrapin's avatar
Terrapin said

killer track

JESMIAUS 's avatar
too nin sounding, i'm dissapointed in myself. haha. Actually I rather like that it turned out rather NIN sounding. Someday I will need you Someday I will teach you Somehow I will escape this
Guest said

Dude I'm digging your style! This is experimentally awesome!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
too nin sounding, i'm dissapointed in myself. haha. Actually I rather like that it turned out rather NIN sounding. Someday I will need you Someday I will teach you Somehow I will escape this
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

This would be great for George Romero's next big movie. Chilling track man!!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
uh huh
Guest said

cool sound Chig..thanks for sharing southpaws

JESMIAUS 's avatar
kinda like big band...kinda like boom monster crash
Guest said

Great sounds!!! FNG!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
kinda like big band...kinda like boom monster crash
Guest said

Hey bud, how've you been? I haven't heard from you in a while. JRR

JESMIAUS 's avatar
uh huh
Guest said

I wonder where do you get your ideas for your music...this was a close call for me:) Interesting work

JESMIAUS 's avatar
uh huh
Terrapin's avatar
Terrapin said

yeah man! cool stuff. i have some friends that would love this i'll show them tonight

JESMIAUS 's avatar
*edited to add the youtube video attached
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

i really love the sound in this song that a guitar player might call a drone note.

JESMIAUS 's avatar
In The Whiskey I've found a friend In The Mid Day I'm Drunk Again Laughing with one eye with my Lisa by my side For fecks sake every speck of whiskey a water of life lake Every speck of whiskey like a beautiful painting and for…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

im drunk again! hiiiiiiiiieeeeeee! love the bagpipes, the whole thing is great. sounds like the future of drinking!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
This is goin to give me nightmares for sure. Hah.
Guest said

good freaky and skweeded-out music! good shit!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
This is goin to give me nightmares for sure. Hah.
JESMIAUS 's avatar

well of course that was my initial reaction...then I though maybe you had a guitar or something valuable on your wall. Nice. Thanks.

JESMIAUS 's avatar
This is goin to give me nightmares for sure. Hah.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

no no..please dont apologize, i love your song..i dont quite like my neighbors anyway.

JESMIAUS 's avatar
This is goin to give me nightmares for sure. Hah.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said neighbor hates you...

JESMIAUS 's avatar
This is goin to give me nightmares for sure. Hah.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

oh! oh! oh! oh! this song knocked the shit off my walls and tables.

JESMIAUS 's avatar
A track that came out of nowhere with another banjo to percussion beat.
JESMIAUS 's avatar

Hehe, I'm usually am in a lost for words. I need to get me one of those thesaurus's too. So I can start commenting more. And you know I am lost for words when I repeat the same lyrical lines and make up languages and sounds with my vocals. Thanks!

JESMIAUS 's avatar
A track that came out of nowhere with another banjo to percussion beat.
Guest said

How embarrassing...I seem to have made almost exactly the same comment on your last track. Cool and inventive. Must buy a thesaurus.
