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Tried out some new pop sensibilities
This is a very rough mix...the vocals need a lot of work but I wanted to get it out there right after I wrote it
I wrote this today in a new creative process, writing a poem first, then a lead part and ending with an accompaniment. It's definitely a different sound: I was experimenting. Some of my other influences came through on this one. Also, I paraphrased…
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Mash/mix for Sound-In featuring William Newbold, Dnane and Jim Goodin. Mix and slide Bass VI by Kavin.
Tworegs visited and we couldn't help but get at least one colaboration song done in the studio. I wish we would have had time to get some other songs he wrote in SF recorded in my studio but I was out of town during part of his stay, and to be…
your 4x4 is my four post bed/ the ruffles and patterns really effed up yer head/in a world of strip malls and choreographed tv brawls/ we grow like a wayward chia/ im so happy to see ya/ the texting is no touching/ and heavy petting means no munching…
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just finished this one, represents a slightly new direction i am taking i think.
i am particuarly proud of the polyrhythmic sound i achieved. i was worried it mite become too cluttered (at the beginning) but i think i achieved clarity.
What seemed like the solution to a deficit of music after having been up for 40 hours - FillBot is available in 2 minute increments, inquire within.
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Latest Comments
Deliciously quirky!
I wrote this today in a new creative process, writing a poem first, then a lead part and ending with an accompaniment. It's definitely a different sound: I was experimenting. Some of my other influences came through on this one. Also, I paraphrased…
you have a unique pop sound, i know you just commented, but don't take it as a reason to why i am commenting on your stuff. your voice sounds..exhausted. i like it! also, speaking of my interests/influences, what sort of guesses would you make? p.s. recorder, yes!
Great song! Love the folky feel to the music - lovely breezy mix.
Terrapin is the musical output of William Neylon. Currently recruiting instrumentalists and biography blurb writers.
from Chicago, United States
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