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Blood Wolf Moon

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A little celestial inspiration for this song…. I started it and Greg and Mark helped me finish it and then record around my kitchen table. Feel free to howl if you like it!

Blood Wolf Moon

Blood wolf moon this January night
The universe is crying and dimming it’s light
Why do you push me
Why don’t you care
About the planet you live on
Why can’t you share

Howl in my sadness
Howl in the dark
Howl in the cold wind
Howling will spark
The earth to cover the moon in her shame
And when the morning comes the sun shines again

Blue black and empty reflecting the stars
Questioning why and wondering how far
The wolf moon is calling
Its mystery is deep
The tides are tugging on the threads of my sleep

Blood Wolf Moon
Blood Wolf Moon

© August 2021 Greg Connor, Colleen Dillon, Mark Lofgren All Rights Reserved

Ben Niven's avatar
Ben Niven said

In a world of what I hear as weird pop vocal affectations, your precise singing clear enunciation is refreshing to listen to. Nice guitars and ukulele on these songs too.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

So mournful. Well done. The tides are tugging on the threads of my sleep..." great image.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

*howl* Love the mood you've conjured here - a beautiful anthem!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I'm playing a slow catch up game here... oh wow... my goodness... this one is gorgeous.

4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
4barrelcarb (4BC) said

Very nice! :)

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Nice work, y’all!

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Great track guys and gals .....

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I love it! Not bad for a live mix, recorded on a handheld recorder!

Guest said

Lots of meaning just beautif
