Comments on igor's stuff

igor's avatar
It was a few strange April days in our little town of Bad Münder. The sky was low and completely filled (with clouds?), and a yellowish light spread as if from below, and from everywhere. Irene had said at the time that it must have been the wind…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

very excellent work! Thank you for sharing!

igor's avatar
It was a few strange April days in our little town of Bad Münder. The sky was low and completely filled (with clouds?), and a yellowish light spread as if from below, and from everywhere. Irene had said at the time that it must have been the wind…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Just beautiful as always

igor's avatar
...and suddenly I realise it's Christmas Eve, and it's The Day Before. Years have passed and you don't expect anything special for a long time, and at least in Lower Saxony there is no snow, at all. But the magic of the childhood is still there…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Merry Christmas be sure to go to bed early

igor's avatar
...and suddenly I realise it's Christmas Eve, and it's The Day Before. Years have passed and you don't expect anything special for a long time, and at least in Lower Saxony there is no snow, at all. But the magic of the childhood is still there…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Simply gorgeous! Thank you! Wishing a warm and lovely Christmas to you and yours.

igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

So that’s who wrote the letter I didn’t receive I sent a telegram but forgot to write the message

igor's avatar
Someday there will come a time when there will be no Monday. And there will be no need to remember about work or to follow the schedules. For some, it is temporary, for someone forever. For Anton 06.06.2021 Robert Frost - On Looking Up…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Beautifully played expected like the rising sun

igor's avatar
Lebenslinie (Life Line) Life, if you look back at your own one, or at the stories of others, often seems to be presented as an ornate line. This line is trying to branch out, but since a person is indivisible, that lifeline is always one, but…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Unless of course your life is out of control and the path spirals ending the center of the island after circling for the same answer again and again and never finding it

igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

I agree with the hauntingly beautiful …….you must be a ghost

igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful piece. A melancholy feeling.

igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
A Herd of Turtles's avatar
A Herd of Turtles said

Nicely done. Lots of emotion in your playing.

igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Just fabulous - stunning!

igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

hauntingly beautiful... what a poignant and terribly sad concept you pose in the description...

igor's avatar
Someday there will come a time when there will be no Monday. And there will be no need to remember about work or to follow the schedules. For some, it is temporary, for someone forever. For Anton 06.06.2021 Robert Frost - On Looking Up…
jip's avatar
jip said

Wow. Delightful. Conjures many images in my head.

igor's avatar
Whistling a tune, I walk up to the house and meet a cat on the doorstep. We are going to have supper, and at this time a blizzard begins. April. 05.04.2021, live recording.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

To some snow cements that winter is here to stay To others a sign spring is on its way

igor's avatar
Whistling a tune, I walk up to the house and meet a cat on the doorstep. We are going to have supper, and at this time a blizzard begins. April. 05.04.2021, live recording.
Guest said

Very nice!  You kept that opening chord progression peppered throughout. Well crafted and dreamy!

igor's avatar
Goldfishes tell fairy tales to each other, slowly moving their tails and fins as if moving the air with their Chinese fans. They do not mind that we listen to these stories too. After all, everything is in there: simple joys, and emotional experiences…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said


igor's avatar
This is not the same ponderous endless time being that was mentioned by someone, somewhere. But rather I touch the water lightly and expecting the circles to disappear. And again.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

indeed beautiful!

igor's avatar
This is not the same ponderous endless time being that was mentioned by someone, somewhere. But rather I touch the water lightly and expecting the circles to disappear. And again.
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

I could listen to this gorgeous music all day

igor's avatar
As you age, as you improve your speaking skills and gain experience, you try to speak to others more accurately and concisely. And immediately you are faced with the problem that you have nothing to say, or with the fact that most of what is said…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said


igor's avatar
Midday field. I watch the lark, which serenely rises in circles up to dissolve there, forever. He sees no danger around. Why [should] I care? --- I recall that in childhood we all watch adventure films (or performances), and here the children…
igor's avatar
igor said

Actor: me too, Trev. There is definitely a difference in roles since childhood, but how it affects us humans is not known. Creators and users? Listeners and performers? Probably deeper. Not worse, just deeper. I wonder of how it will be for AI 👀
