Comments on informal grae's stuff

informal grae's avatar
A story of conflict between a couple. I played the part of the male, Shelagh (I think) was herself. Came together in the studio and was a favourite live.
General X's avatar
General X said

I like this one a lot. Thanks!

informal grae's avatar
A story of conflict between a couple. I played the part of the male, Shelagh (I think) was herself. Came together in the studio and was a favourite live.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

lol - like it

informal grae's avatar
Another Uke song for your delectation, with an air of uncertainty!
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I can not get this or the above songs to play.

informal grae's avatar
Warts and all - the idea behind the song was that I would probably not had the same day as Lou Reed and this is a true representation of the most probable outcome!
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

I'm loving your enthusiasm, Grae! Keep up the adrenalin buzz :)

informal grae's avatar
Actually I am not Jamaican you listen to any of my tracks. This is a Uke song - you have been warned!
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Nice use of the yookalayleeee!

informal grae's avatar
One of a longish line of songs based upon the premise that I am waiting for something.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

I love the way you write the songs as you go along!

informal grae's avatar
Sadder, con emotion, con templation! G:I
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Likin' this lots too :)

informal grae's avatar
How can you forget you've written a song? I found this back-tracking through my recordings, and I love it - one of my favourites for a host of reasons. G:)
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

I knew you had serious in you somewhere! Nice! x

informal grae's avatar
The length of a title does not indicate its quality - Nietsche
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Did Nietsche put in the rogue apostrophe too? :P Touché!

informal grae's avatar
Not 'Two Fingers' to the establishment, but getting maximum effect from minimum effort. two fingers on the left hand do all the running around whilst all other digits just 'keep fort'. Made sense to me G:)
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Put their socks back on before they catch a cold! :P

informal grae's avatar
Another in the 'Stream of Consciousness' ideas that I have - whereby I start with no lyrics, no tune, but just grab the wood and strings and strum for a while. Just an idea G:)
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Yes, I think we can safely say you're off your rocker - not necessarily a bad thing! :)

informal grae's avatar
After the warning comes the storm (in a tea cup). Still, no harm in ignoring warning signs, is there?
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Oh yes, I have one inside my guitar right now!

informal grae's avatar
Says exactly what it does on the label. Having said that "You have been warned!"
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Interesting entrance!

informal grae's avatar
A KKKick-Ass Song from a few years back.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

