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by JR James



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My instrumental cover of Christina Aguilera’s song “Beautiful” I guess I am ready for the old folks home!!!! …now that I am doing ballads!!!
I just happen to really like the chord progression and thought I would try an instrumental cover …I just recorded this in the last 2 hours..all guitars and bass are me..just the drums are fake :lol:

used my PRS CU 22 Artist Anniversary and my Gibson Acoustic Southern Jumbo….
just call me a big pu*%y if you want to :(

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I had to press play for another listen this morning.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said


Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Oh . . . That's pretty! 2 hours? You are cooking! Nice guitar work.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

No need to tell you who wrote this, blimey, wish I just wrote one of her songs.... love it man

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Nice choice. A good melody to experiment with.

Guest said

Well done.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Ya big pu*%y! Christina who? lol Don't know the original - but sounds like she or her producer/someone listened to The Beatles a fair bit... But you're right... fab chords. And I like what you've done with them.
