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jaraimondimusic's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by JR James


Missing You

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[in memory of YC]

[work in progress - comments welcome]

You say
I doesn’t matter what I say
All the time we spent is gone now
Taken out

You cry
I’m not even asking why
Your head’s up in the sky now
Your alive

When I ask you to explain
You say: I really can’t complain
Seven years ago
I might have loved you to feel strong

But now, I’m questioning my doubts

You sigh
As if there’s something left to try
You’re asking the wrong people
For advice

You speak
But in the evening we must part as we drift
Disconnect the tether
Bring it home

When I ask you to explain
You say we never go back again
All the time we spent is lost
You left out wondering about the cost

Do you still have time for me, my friend?
Did you really worry, do did you just pretend?

From the edge of the sky I’m looking too
When I’m feeling fine, I’m missing you

So when I ask you to explain
You say that it really feels the same
When I question your advice
You look away and roll the dice

Did I miss your face again today, my friend?
Can you tell your life has changed, now that you’re dead?

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Love how this builds up. Nice songwriting.:)

drorkessler's avatar
drorkessler said

Hey guys ... thank you all for your comments ... this is heart warming and insightful .. I'm actually planning an alternative mix for this one so I might loose or reduce the electric guitar track ... as to the popping on the vox, you are absolutely right ... there is also way too much bass ... I will work on it and re-post ... you are of great support ... keep on commenting. xxx Dror

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Love the accent in the vocal it seems. To give it more meaning ...pretty much agree with what Adrew says ....the vocal and the song is where it's at......

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I've commented before, but this started playing after listening to something else. And I had to comment again: I LOVE this song and your vocal. (You asked for comments - the ONLY thing that distracts me is the popping on the mic on the lead vocal, I'd want you to address that. I suspect you want to work on the lead guitar - I think you can almost leave that if you want, the song and the vocal is where this is at for me). Wish I could Favourite it again! :-)

Guest said

Great tune.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Faved when I was only one minute into it. For me, even as a work in progress, this is a powerful performance of a powerful song. I'll have to check out more of your stuff.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I like it. The song has a subtle power that keeps building.
