Comments on jip's stuff

jip's avatar
Wrote this after seeing a fox in the Elkesley forests the other day.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

That's a gorgeous sound :)

jip's avatar
Wrote this after seeing a fox in the Elkesley forests the other day.
Guest said

That be just FOXEY!

jip's avatar
Ok - a collab between myself, Lady Jane and FDR. I hope the MP3 does it justice. Nice one you guys. I put the basics together, FDR did lead and suggested the theme on "gliding", and LJ created the words, sang, added some effects (chimes, woodblock…
EMO Adi's avatar
EMO Adi said

Hello from Ollerton. I like your original music.

jip's avatar
Just messing with a few chords and extended it a bit. Could do with some words, but can't think of any - feel free if you can add something) cheers
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Too sad for words...

jip's avatar
I was going to add more, but kept wondering what, and by then it had grown on me, so here it is. lol.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Breezy groove. Very nice.

jip's avatar
Ok - a collab between myself, Lady Jane and FDR. I hope the MP3 does it justice. Nice one you guys. I put the basics together, FDR did lead and suggested the theme on "gliding", and LJ created the words, sang, added some effects (chimes, woodblock…
Haltia's avatar
Haltia said

Nice mix of several genres!

jip's avatar
I was going to add more, but kept wondering what, and by then it had grown on me, so here it is. lol.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Brilliant nodding bass.....plenty gong on it

jip's avatar
I was going to add more, but kept wondering what, and by then it had grown on me, so here it is. lol.
informal grae's avatar
informal grae said

lovely groove G:)

jip's avatar
I was going to add more, but kept wondering what, and by then it had grown on me, so here it is. lol.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

I may play with this :)

jip's avatar
Just messing with a few chords and extended it a bit. Could do with some words, but can't think of any - feel free if you can add something) cheers
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yeah, get some words. Sounds great.

jip's avatar
Just messing with a few chords and extended it a bit. Could do with some words, but can't think of any - feel free if you can add something) cheers
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Cool tune man. A few chords are all you need.

jip's avatar
Just messing with a few chords and extended it a bit. Could do with some words, but can't think of any - feel free if you can add something) cheers
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Oh you need to get some lyrics on this asap! I dig it.

jip's avatar
Just messing with a few chords and extended it a bit. Could do with some words, but can't think of any - feel free if you can add something) cheers
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Liken the jangly guitar Jipster!

jip's avatar
This started as a conversation with Lady Jane, and it developed from there. FDR played lead. I'm now going to dispose of my senses...again.
Guest said

I say,a touch of sprinkles here me thinks!

jip's avatar
This is a Kevin Ayers song that I love. He calls it something else, but Blue seems to be a good name to me.
Guest said

Wooooaaaaarrrrgh umpa lolu lopa ho ho ho ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

jip's avatar
This is a Kevin Ayers song that I love. He calls it something else, but Blue seems to be a good name to me.
Guest said

Touch of Sparklehorse here.....

jip's avatar
This is a Kevin Ayers song that I love. He calls it something else, but Blue seems to be a good name to me.
Guest said

Very lovely version. :)

jip's avatar
A song about, well, s**t happens, but all in all, it's alright. Thanks to TwoRegs (singing), Freight Drive Reprobate (singing and harmonica)and Lady Jane (Singing in posh mode). Hope you like.
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

fun tune, great collab! love the harp...

jip's avatar
A song about, well, s**t happens, but all in all, it's alright. Thanks to TwoRegs (singing), Freight Drive Reprobate (singing and harmonica)and Lady Jane (Singing in posh mode). Hope you like.
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

havent been around for a while, lots of pearls to find on AT of late! Great collab gents. chorus hook, harp, vox switchups....fav button

jip's avatar
This is a Kevin Ayers song that I love. He calls it something else, but Blue seems to be a good name to me.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

