I'm redoing this one even though I just re did it. With more content and absolutely redoing the vocals. Didn't like how they turned out as much as I wanted them too.
tracked 7 years ago, in the same vein as "A Brain Haemorrhage Would Be A Birthday Present".
-modified toy keyboard into a resonant filter with LFO mod into a Boss DD-3 DDL pedal, all tweaked as part of the performance.
-beat is from an old…
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor
Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie,
...none the less, in my broken mind,
some of the false hope leaks thru...
Key D capo @ 2 in C
I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor
Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie,
...none the less, in my broken mind,
some of the false hope leaks thru...
Key D capo @ 2 in C
I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…
There was this biker bar called The 2500 Club. Just west of Sylvania on Belknap. On a sign outside it says, "The best little biker bar in Texas." Guthrie and Rick and I played there long enough to get to feeling pretty much like family.
Johnny Stones fabulous tune was playing on the juke-box in the cellar last night and Robert got up to do his thing but Reg told him to step down and let him have a go.Reg took over proceedings and blew everyone away down the cellar with his take…
i was listening to a post of this Beatles cover by oldrottenhead this morning,,it is a really great song, so this evening i sort of just sort of sat down an let it happen,,i didn't even really know the song as much as i might like,, but i find…
Comments on kavin.'s stuff
Beautiful! Kudos Welcome Kavin!
peace be unto you thru the power of music!
Comments made by kavin.
been listening to too much John Lee Hooker? Raw sound but good.
my work friend just said, "Star Wars!"
because they didn't have their own reality show. Trippy!
perfect melding of melody, harmony and instrumentation, well done.
cool sounds here!
Overall sounds warmer than what you were doing before. Good song too.
new platform? Cool. I do Logic too.
have a soft spot in my heart for lesbian biker chicks James (which does me no good). Great song!
very Deep Forest
great driving stuff, just what I needed.
Brings back fond mem..we'll no I forgot
haunting, lovely
Excellent job! Added to my Surrogate Band playlist! http://alonetone.com/kavin/playlists/surrogate-band-pink-floyd-on-alonetone
hitting the hard stuff, I like it. I wanna go listen to some Tool now.
great funky workout and vocal!
nice rambling psych jam. Love it.
Finally getting around to giving yer old stuff a listen. Yay!
very nice, chill. Sedate.
well done!