Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

Based on the few comments I read, the reason this is so good is because it touches something way down deep inside the listener. Loved it!

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
launched's avatar
launched said

That was pretty freakin' sweet Kirk! Breezy and spooky at the same time. Far out!

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

I'm glad you broke your promise to yourself. Eerie, trance-like awesomeness. I think you may have invented a new style of music... :D

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said succeeded indeed Kirk!

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Guest said


kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Guest said


kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Guest said

It's certainly usable - in an intro or outro to a more conventional track perhaps? :)

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Guest said

This sound is wild and should be set FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Loving the breathy, melodic echoes - great rhythm also.

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
KraftiM's avatar
KraftiM said

glad you released this, haunting loops turned out being a nice track. Great material to work with ;)

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Guest said

Well, I wasn't expecting these sounds from you SFS, kind of unsettling.

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Oh man, I hear a bunch of stuff happening here. Jammin' time!!!

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Guest said

Hi SFS, it's Bee, not logged in. Gives me chance to think about this highly suspect piece.

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks Kirk, listening to my older stuff, i am very suprised how well i got the guitar to sound, with very little recording equipment..

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
da gubbamint's avatar
da gubbamint said

spacey stuff man.

kirklynch's avatar
More stuff from the ancient archives rescued from the same cassette tape as Last Nights Fun. This time a set of 3 Irish reels Live at a concert back around 1992
Permanent Tourist's avatar
Permanent Tourist said

Cool . . . . . very cool

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
lam's avatar
lam said

can't wait to hear your latest..

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
lam's avatar
lam said

Thank's man, I appreciate your comment, and Great Song I love the Pipe's...and yes! I feel much better being back..especially after hearing this beatifull rythym....:)

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Cool sounds! (as alway- gets into m' Scots bones!)

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
Vegetable Man's avatar
Vegetable Man said

these are great! love the sound

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
Guest said

thanks man, i always shy away from vocals but a second opinion always help. thanks again
