I'm calling this my Halloween track, but really it's just one of my more noisy experiments that I never intended to release! I actually can't remember now how I got part of these sounds, but it's all the Taylor and a floor full of toys, and a…
I'm calling this my Halloween track, but really it's just one of my more noisy experiments that I never intended to release! I actually can't remember now how I got part of these sounds, but it's all the Taylor and a floor full of toys, and a…
An unusual traditional tune from the first Scartaglen album way back in 1984. Going through stuff the other day and ran across the LP and couldn't even remember the tune or having recorded it. I played guitar on this track
I'm calling this my Halloween track, but really it's just one of my more noisy experiments that I never intended to release! I actually can't remember now how I got part of these sounds, but it's all the Taylor and a floor full of toys, and a…
I'm calling this my Halloween track, but really it's just one of my more noisy experiments that I never intended to release! I actually can't remember now how I got part of these sounds, but it's all the Taylor and a floor full of toys, and a…
I'm calling this my Halloween track, but really it's just one of my more noisy experiments that I never intended to release! I actually can't remember now how I got part of these sounds, but it's all the Taylor and a floor full of toys, and a…
Haunted clockwork! Sounds like at least some of these elements are being played backwards. I love it - especially the sprinklings of electric guitar from the first minute onwards. Very creative - very cool.
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Another one from back when I was tracking to actual tape. Was going to do a new version at some point, but decided I had lost interest. Sometimes there's no sense in recreating the past! Recorded probably the beginning of 2007
Another one from back when I was tracking to actual tape. Was going to do a new version at some point, but decided I had lost interest. Sometimes there's no sense in recreating the past! Recorded probably the beginning of 2007
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
I hesitate to upload this, but there are a couple folks around who like this sort of thing. This is an edited down version of a jam I had with myself back at the end of 2007. Live to 2 tracks with the aid of the Jamman. I think it was the first…
Another cut from the 1988 cassette tape of a live performance by Scartaglen on the NPR show Mountain stage. This time some tunes from County Kerry.
Kirk Lynch- Uilleann pipes and whistle. Becky Pringle- Fiddle. Mike Dugger- Fiddle and guitar…
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
One from a year ago or so. Never was happy with the recording quality, but never got around to re recording it. My attempt at a kind of late 70's Phil Keaggy thing
I enjoyed the recording on it. Gives it an old school feeling. Reminds me of recording quick tunes through the old cheap computer mics back in the day. Faved it.
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
I found a cassette tape the other day from 1991 which turned out to be live to 2 track demos that Scartaglen did in the studio in preparation for our 3rd and (as it turned out) final album. This tune didn't make the cut for the record but I always…
With his lottery money Reg has invested in becoming a funk star. The other reg came up with the tune and Reg jumped all over the thing......come and get funky with thetwoReg
Lions and Tigers and Bears. Are dancing, right within the Void (by way of Martin Silenus, The Poet)
~For Svetlana, my only love~
Note: The music presented here is composed and handcrafted without use of additional devices/midi, mostly on…
Based on Norm Harris' Percussion Solo Moonbathing http://alonetone.com/norm/tracks/moonbathing this piece uses bass pictured above after conversion to fretless and uses my fretless Fender Squire through the metallurgy 3 demo effect.
I have a story to tell. Debbie and I went to a Guitar Center across town looking for a cheap used bass for me to convert to fretless like I did my Squire Strat. Well.... I ran into a really nice used Ibanez 5 string bass - with a B below E…
This is a serial improvisational piece (excepting some drum loops) in John O’Sullivan’s Blue JI tuning (which I rather like) – all of the instruments, African log drum, Nigerian log drum, Krin slit drum, Teponaxtli, Toere, Kaekeeke, Kalaau…
Faith is assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
When Faith goes to the market, it always takes a basket.
The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of faith is the end of anxiety. [George Mueller…
This is lovely work! Intended to only listen to part and come back later, but got drawn in and listened to the whole thing. Must come back for part one!
Well, I finally got my hands on a 17 note per octave electric guitar thanks for Brad Smith, a local Luthier who did a lovely conversion of a Jay Turser strat copy I bought at the local Guitar Center for $65. The guitar is nicely very bright…
Funk is my first love but a close second is disco with house right on its heels.
This track is a mix of all three...a funky disco house track. No funky guitars but I've got my fingers crossed that the groove is funky enough.
Anyway lots of synths…
Comments on kirklynch's stuff
nice work
Great sound mate very cool.
wonderful piece of music!
Some DL4 fun? Please more of this "noise"!
I don't know - boys and their toys. Still, I hear you have put them to good use. I like the Israeli feeling tempo. B
Haunted clockwork! Sounds like at least some of these elements are being played backwards. I love it - especially the sprinklings of electric guitar from the first minute onwards. Very creative - very cool.
very cool creative track!
Holy shit love it! a very similar style to Mike Stern. Can listen all day!
very nice blues -- maybe the mood will resurface ;)
My oh my this sounds good.
Gorgeous wonderfulness SFS
great listening clean & mean
More to LOVE! w;-)
How could I possibly have missed this? Shame on me! I LOVE this track!!! w;-)
Love this!
Great performance - very talented musicians.
Like it lots!
I enjoyed the recording on it. Gives it an old school feeling. Reminds me of recording quick tunes through the old cheap computer mics back in the day. Faved it.
Kirk...come back.
Takes me back to the glorious weekend we spent with Gumbo last year. We heard all sorts of lovely, live Gaelic music. This is very pretty! Bethan
Comments made by kirklynch
Look out James Brown!
Lovely! I believe the circus came back to town
Hard to go wrong when playing with Norm! Nice one man!
Very nice! Cool textures
Great fretless bass sound!
Lovely little piece!
That was fun for a Sunday morning!
Gorgeous one !
HAHA! I needed a good laugh this morning and that was sure it!
Wonderful! Almost sounds like 2 guitars in places
Most excellent! Love that bit where the downbeat gets hidden for a time and then returns. Very cool!
This is lovely work! Intended to only listen to part and come back later, but got drawn in and listened to the whole thing. Must come back for part one!
HA! Brilliant! Why wait for wednesday though?
Interesting. I'd love to have a go at one of those myself
One of my favorite Django tunes. Great job!
Great groove!
Nice guitar work!
Nice! Cool riff!