Comments on launched's stuff

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Guest said

I used to put card in my spokes...I preferred to think it was a dirt bike. Def. used to watch the six million dollar man too. And don't forget the bionic woman. I had a crush on her..ahhh...Jamie Somers. The last name fit..when you looked at her, the feeling was like a beautiful summer day. We used to play war in the woods too.. lol. Used sticks for guns. Hmm...we even liked our friends sisters barbie dolls. lol. Not dressing them up...but the opp. ohhh keennnn....oh barbie... lol. Speaking of barbie...have u seen black hole sun?

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Guest said

Oh cool, pity it's too short. I was just getting up a head of steam there.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Guest said

Big fat fave.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Guest said

I remember all those things you mentioned (except Gwen's flute). Cool song. Really interesting bass.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
SonicLuke's avatar
SonicLuke said

That bass line is beyond cool.

launched's avatar
Another one from the dusty special price bin! It started off as a Pilot cover, but it didn't end up that way. Dave Berry added the excellent tele solos and the crazy cool noises at the end. Thanks bro, you rock! I spent more time on this…
SonicLuke's avatar
SonicLuke said

Damn dude you can play! Love it.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Very very cool groove...I dig it!

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

I think the flute tie in was a great idea, the lyrics are cool and nostalgic too, great track

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate dig it.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Guest said

Yeah. All us fellas can relate to this. Excellent track Mark.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I'm a big fan of your bass lines. I know you had a blast with this tune. Cool lyrics too, showing us all your age bro!

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Rocks hard Mark! I Loved this one bro!

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

This DOES rock. Great concept, too.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Guest said


launched's avatar
Dwelled by the "Upload" button for a bit before shipping this one... All recorded on the Boss Micro BR
Norm's avatar
Norm said

This is just perfect.

launched's avatar
The vodka, ahhh. One of 3 that I recorded to a dimming flashlight during a power outage. One take into the Micro BR hole with some harmony and noodle overdubs. Vodka I want the vodka 'Cause I know it's gonna make me play better…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

sick lead

launched's avatar
I recorded this one to a dimming flashlight on the 25th after a windstorm took out my power. I couldn't see the lyrics anymore so I ad libbed and hummed the rest out. My recording device is battery operated, which is cool. This predicament…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

i cant tell you why i like this song so much..i think its just great..

launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Yeahhh baby, thats the stuff.

launched's avatar
My only musical Christmas present. Tharek(Osckilo) sent me a wonderful Spanish/Arab sounding guitar track. All I had to do was sing. Sometimes that is the biggest treat of all, and I took full advantage of it. Thanks, bro!! All done on the…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great collab great vocals and music all round great track.

launched's avatar
Played all at once through a little plastic hole (Micro BR), so I know it needs to be redone. I've been down with swine fever for the past few days and have barely been able to hang onto a guitar, so this ought to be a crowd pleaser :) A song…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

