Comments on mmi's stuff

mmi's avatar
A track that I put on hold for the RPM Challenge. Of course, now I can't really remember where I was going with it... but to have used it in the challenge would have been cheating. What I do remember was that I had just discovered and fallen…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

I'm glad you decided to release this anyway because it's lovely. I'm getting used to being eased into my day by a new track from you. Keep it up! :)

mmi's avatar
A track that I put on hold for the RPM Challenge. Of course, now I can't really remember where I was going with it... but to have used it in the challenge would have been cheating. What I do remember was that I had just discovered and fallen…
glu's avatar
glu said

Nice chords! :) Really like the progression. Nice rhythm track too.

mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
shuddersome's avatar
shuddersome said

Wow, reminds me of Opeth. Your stuff is very good. Never heard anything quite like it :). Oh BTW yes our singer is for real...he has an 8 octave range :).

mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
Guest said


mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Fav'd within the first minute! I must re explore that tuning- been ages since I've played in it. Lovely stuff

mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
Chris McGrath's avatar
Chris McGrath said

Nice playing and it sounds fantastic

mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

A nice way to slide into Monday morning.

mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
glu's avatar
glu said

Eos sounds nice. This is another one that makes me want to get under the covers with the kittehz and hide my eyes!!

mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

Very beautiful...

mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Have to give you much kudos for working out how to make 4 reverbs sound good :)

mmi's avatar
Alternate title: Gratuitous Love Scene Just hacking around with these chords; added some stuff and before I knew it I had one of those bits of cheesy music that accompanies those gratuitous sex scenes...
Guest said

ha, ha, i always wondered what that music sounded like. i get more of like the spirit of roger waters drifting across the atlantic with thorazine & haldol in either pocket moaning "ave maria, ave maria", on his way to see "the last of the mohicans" but overall effective.

mmi's avatar
Sometimes magic happens. Sometimes it even happens to me. Open D tuning (low to high D A D G A D). Just a practice session where I had the guts to press record. No drugs. Just beer with dinner. Maybe they put something in the creme brule…
Guest said

mmi, very atmospheric. sets a hypnotic mood. great tool for seducing women. 2 glasses of wine & 1 - 3:33/min of "opened".

mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Love the dreamy quality and the use of BigSeq2. How did you come up with the notion of using 4 Eos in series?

mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Awesome stuff. I love those ebow lines

mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
Guest said

Love the mix of dreamy haunting notes against the choppy rhythm.

mmi's avatar
An experiment that became a meditation. Two tracks. One guitar, one looper, one e-bow, two tracks and a touch of Live's Overdrive effect on the second e-bow track. The starting premise was could I get the sound of many guitars by continually…
glu's avatar
glu said

i love layered guitars...

mmi's avatar
Sometimes magic happens. Sometimes it even happens to me. Open D tuning (low to high D A D G A D). Just a practice session where I had the guts to press record. No drugs. Just beer with dinner. Maybe they put something in the creme brule…
glu's avatar
glu said

okay... you inspired the next compilation playlist with this one. More details this weekend.

mmi's avatar
A late night meditation. Here's the process: Started just auditioning sounds in my Live library. When I do this, I play some random chords or two note intervals; often not looking at my hands or the keyboard. That's the spark. Here I started…
glu's avatar
glu said

mmi you are the alonetone ambient connoisseur

mmi's avatar
A late night meditation. Here's the process: Started just auditioning sounds in my Live library. When I do this, I play some random chords or two note intervals; often not looking at my hands or the keyboard. That's the spark. Here I started…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Like it.

mmi's avatar
My homage to Brian Eno.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Can't figure out how I didn't favourite this one first time around, it's lovely!
