Comments on Norm's stuff

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

what a great feeling/picture this inspires,,, if there was anything higher than A+ you would have it here!!! this is a treat

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Guest said

I'm loving this groove man! keep it going brother!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Ooooooo! that's a keeper.

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Great photo great collab.........

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

@ jarvis , my thoughts exactally!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

More Mojitos! :)Fine work gents!!!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Guest said

You boys and your sonic chemistry!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

@Jarvis: That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Many thanks!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Guest said

There is no doubt thast drum machines have their place,and that place is propping open the door to Norm's studio so we can hear his beats all the better....nice collab fellahs..... Jarvoid

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Guest said

Great vibe Norm.

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Great collab. Love the laided back breezy feel. Instafav

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Pass me something with Rum in it. I'm feeling tropical.

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

excellent!! and I love the photo too!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

@Kavin: Ha! Yes you did. Nice suggestion - I'm glad you pointed that out to me. :)

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Hah! Toldja!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Guest said

Well no more Rhythm computer for me . I am a fan of the man they call Norm. Thanks Norm It sounds great!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Damn! That one was begging for the Norm treatment. Great job!

Norm's avatar
I was thumbing a ride along a hot, deserted Caribbean road. When Steve pulled up in this vintage pre-war Chevy, I was very grateful. It just so happened he was heading to the same cantina I was, so we kicked back with a pitcher of mojitos…
Guest said

Wow Norm thats great. I love how I was treated here.The photo was way cool . Your drums are so live sounding. That human Accent and feel are so alive. Hell I loved it Lets help me learn to build tracks that are ezy to collaborate with. Ive got a ton of this style originals. See "Cabo two Step"

Norm's avatar
*Pilón* reveals a Cuban pattern, traditionally played on Timbales, but in this case on Jr. Congas & Congas (with gated reverberation and flanger effect). The rhythm of Pilón is based on the motions of pounding sugar cane. A new son reveals…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Norm, this is a sweet groove!

Norm's avatar
At a recent charity event held in my small town's train museum, I was admiring a massive brass train bell when the curator walked up to me. I commented that a bell would really rather be heard then seen, and he agreed. I offered to digitally record…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

I don't know how I missed this. Great stuff man!
