Comments on Norm's stuff

Norm's avatar
Here's to Johnny! Gifted composer. Talented musician. Supportive friend. 127 songs of posted AT rockin' goodness, posted from 2008-2011: the Stone Age! Thanks for all of the tasty tunes Johnny. 5/4 120bpm.
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Thats a groove man.......thats a groove......RIP Johnny.

Norm's avatar
Here's to Johnny! Gifted composer. Talented musician. Supportive friend. 127 songs of posted AT rockin' goodness, posted from 2008-2011: the Stone Age! Thanks for all of the tasty tunes Johnny. 5/4 120bpm.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Nice. Your a class act Norm. Cheers Mate!

Norm's avatar
Here's to Johnny! Gifted composer. Talented musician. Supportive friend. 127 songs of posted AT rockin' goodness, posted from 2008-2011: the Stone Age! Thanks for all of the tasty tunes Johnny. 5/4 120bpm.
Guest said

Tender and perfect! Wonderful, Norm! Added to playlist!

Norm's avatar
Here's to Johnny! Gifted composer. Talented musician. Supportive friend. 127 songs of posted AT rockin' goodness, posted from 2008-2011: the Stone Age! Thanks for all of the tasty tunes Johnny. 5/4 120bpm.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Another beauty of a beat Norm

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
launched's avatar
launched said

Would help if I logged in... Sweeeeet!!!!

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Guest said

Damn slick, fellas! I love it!!!

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Guest said

Good grief, this track is exciting!

Norm's avatar
Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter! Sometimes, as they say, Christmas do come early. I found Johnny Stone's "Christmas Rock In Oz" under the tree and couldn't wait until Yuletide to unwrap it. What a rockin' gift! I know a bit about…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

Go Johnny Go!

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Great track!!! Thanks for the comments, Norm. Lyrics have been posted.... :-)

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

You thought you could sneak this by during RPM. No way dudes. I take notes ♫♪♫ Fun song..

Norm's avatar
As I had nothing better to do last night, I had this great idea that I would construct a rhythm for the 24 hour challenge. This would be different: a 24 minute drum solo (I mean, who wouldn't love that?). I even had a perfect bass riff: the "Mother…
Guest said

love this one. I think you missed your calling. Nancy

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Who the hell is playing that killer guitar, thats what I also want to that a a Reg on 5 string? flipping hell guys, what a track. Loving the drumming Norm.

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Thanks, this track is huge, with your incredible drumming groove over top of the Reg power machine......deadly song.

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Geir's avatar
Geir said

A really great listen!!

Norm's avatar
"Afoxe" is a rhythm played by carnival groups from Bahia in Northeastern Brazil. It is named after an instrument that is traditionally used to play this pattern: an afoxe is a beaded gourd; aka "shekere". In this rendition, I replaced the shaker…
Geir's avatar
Geir said

This is really cool .... a relaxing rhythm-track... love it

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Sweet, norm and 2regs.....must have missed this one.

Norm's avatar
CROSS-OVER POLYRHYTHMS This is actually a type of enharmonic polymeter, where 2 rhythms with **different meters** (i.e., a different numbers of beats/measure) are played at the **same tempo**: the measures do not line up each time. These rhythms…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Missed this one excellent

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

great collaboration~

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yep, my feets is dancing... Great groove

Norm's avatar
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots. When…
igor's avatar
igor said

Hard Dance Reg as we know him. Yeah..!
