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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul


Dream of the Bluest Skies

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Written for my youngest when she was very little, almost everyone who’s had a kid that just would rather not sleep can identify with this song. Originally, there was a line in there about “Staying up this late at night makes me consider drinking” that eventually got replaced.

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Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I have a track called "Kin"... I wrote it when the boy was going through "that time"... "Kin" represented us all.. Three guitar lines. Me, the boy and his Ma... I used to play it to him so he would sleep.. It worked... And made me realize how we would fit into each others lives.. This track brought back memories bro. Thanks for that.. This track is eternal!

Guest said

Great playing, great singing, beautiful, funny song. (Both of mine slept through at 3 weeks, hahahahaha!)
