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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul


The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry

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Not really Irish … a Scottish ballad …

An earthly nourris sits and sings
And aye she sings, “Ba lilly wean
(and) no ken I, my bairns father
Far less the land that he dwells in.”

And up come he to her bed fit
A grumly guest I’m sure was he
Saying “Here am I, thy bairns father
Although I be not comely.”

“I am a man upon the land
I am a silkie on the sea
And when I’m far and far frae land
My home it is in Sule Skerry.”

Then he has taken a purse of gold
And he has laid it upon her knee
Saying, “Give to me, my wee young son
And take thee up thy nouriss fee.”

“‘T shall come to pass on a summer’s day
When the sun shines bright on every stone
That shall I take my wee young son
And teach him for to swim the foam.”

“And ye shall marry a proud gunner
And a right fine gunner I’m sure he’ll be
And the very first shot that e’re he fires
He’ll kill both my young son and me.”

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This is so beautiful

facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

I'm with Tharek , simply stunning Lisa , I'm a fan

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Oh My.... This is stunning.... Sign me up to your fan club. I am well and truly in! Faved

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I named one of my daughters Silky. This is a beautiful version of the song. I'm sitting here playing along on my guitar. Capo at 3rd fret in G positions.

Mischief Of Dean's avatar
Mischief Of Dean said

FUUU- D: The waves sound beautiful. When the vocal harmonies came in <3 UGH yes :)

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

lovely vox

lgh's avatar
lgh said

Awesome song and performance. LG

Guest said

well done.

G-no's avatar
G-no said

Love this stuff, another EZ member found their way to the alonetone , I think it will be fine but after a while the extreme numbers of songs to listen to become overwhelming. I think it would have been better to load a few songs up in intervals to keep your name out there. I'm not being pesstimistic it's just I look at it like we're on this musical conveyor and ther u are right on the front and I suppose there are some that make it a point to listen and encourage new faces but eventually we move past the front and the second and after awhile their's our songs some where in this mass collection of digital uploads.what a dark and dreary place for such lovely and enlighting music, so pure ,unlike the electronic monster creations synth and tweaked and distorted which seems to be a lot of what's here. Maybe I'm wrong, there so much here it would take more then a lifetime to listen to it all. There's a lot of real good stuff too but whose got time, I try and give people off EZ some hits I got a life to live and it's not sitting around listening to music 24/7. I don't know if your on the EZ Facebook page but Mike McLaren has come across a folk music website that looks interesting check it out. Love ur music

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

great vocal.....

Guest said

Great performance

Guest said

Oh my, this is wonderful! Your lovely voice and haunting music make this magical.
