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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul


Take This Show Back Home

Uploaded .

This is The Final Upload on that New Album of mine…

I Love AloneTone!!!

It really Gives you Something to work Towards!

Thank you For Letting me flood the Board over the Last Couple of days to get this stuff up here…

I Just really wanted one of those cool CD Cover Icons…

This place Is Amazing! Full of Talent!


Here are the Lyrics

Song About Winding Things Up….


Take this show Back Home
Tharek Mokbul (First song of 2010/Last Song On Masks)

I say it’s time we Took this show back home…..
The Journey’s been a Long one….
A winding road…

Time for Us to find some peace…
A Killer for the Pain in me…
Searching for a way to go…
Your world is not a thing I know…..
Maybe we should be as one…
Remember it was so much fun…
Your heart was beating close to mine…
Troubles passed and we were fine!

And so we move on….
Lets find where We’ve gone…..
And so we move on…
Let’s find where we’ve gone….

Time for Us to find some peace…
A Killer for the Pain in me…
Searching for a way to go…
Your world is not a thing I know…..
Maybe we should be as one…
Remember it was so much fun…
Your heart was beating close to mine…
Troubles passed and we were fine!

And so we moved on….
Lets find what is gone
And So we Moved on…
Let’s Find what is gone…..

I say it’s time we Took this show back home…..
The Journey’s been a Long one….
A winding road…

I say it’s time we Took this show back home…..
I say it’s time we Took this show back home…..
I say it’s time we Took this show back home…..
Baby lets take this show back home……..

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

touching on a deep level - stellar songwriting my friend.

 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

great sound well constructed.

Guest said

This is wonderful. Beautiful song and performance. Love your tone.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I'm going to listen to this about 400 more times.

Guest said

As soon as this track began, I thought, I'm going to love this. Oh, do I!!

Guest said

Welcome to Alonetone!! It is a great place isn't it.. :) Love your music man.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great song man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

This is a dandy. Well done!

launched's avatar
launched said

Beautiful, brilliant and wonderful, bro!

Guest said

Great tune
