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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul


What Made You Come Around

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Another song from the archive… Written about a friend who somehow seemed to come out of her general sad manner… Thoughts go back to a lunar eclipse when the girl I was standing next to to watch it (way back in college) disappeared from sight and then looked somehow more beautiful once the Earth’s shadow got out of the way of the moon.

You tried to hide your light
Precious fire alone out in the night
You were in pieces on the ground
What made you come around

You tried to get it right
Precious fire, hold on tight
You were in pieces on the ground
What made you come around

Our shadow slides across the moon
Hiding you from sight
Hold on, it passes soon
And we’ll step back in the light

You were in pieces on the ground
What made you come around
You’re not the broken angel that I’d found
What made you come around

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one Keith This is a great track mate.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one Keith This is a great track mate.

Guest said

As a 'guest' mentioned, add harmonies! i'd love to hear this with a full band, lotsa energy needing a way out! I'd be tempted to pop this on my 32 track and add harmonies, makes me wish I had a drumkit (my favorite instrument to play!)

Guest said

ooooooooooo...I LIKE THIS ONE!! HAHAHHAA why are you so monotone??? you have an upbeat happy guitar and then you come in sounding like you've just been hit by a truck and can't move your vocal chords. with the except of the SAME high note here and there. Love the Lyrics tho. Just soften up your voice a little...maybe try harmonizing with the melody...something other than the same note over and over again.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This is a great song! A man and his guitar... An awesome thing sir... Faved

inge's avatar
inge said

thank you so much Keith for your awsem comment the other day! Inge

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

I finally have some time to do some Alonetone listening. Glad I didn't miss this one.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Yes, I agree with the others. Very nice!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

yes, great lyrics. I agree with Richard, this would have a good feel as a live performance.

Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

nice sweet song Keith!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Gorgeous song Keith!

Guest said

Awesome back story - you cannot hide your romantic side, and I'm glad you don't try. :-) Lovely song, Keith. Very sweet.

Guest said

What an interesting story, I wonder if the lady in question would recognise herself now. And a great song too.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

this is very nice,, listening to you,, i am struck by the thought that id love to hear this live,, it's the sort of piece that no matter how good the recording is it must pale compared to a live hearing,,, who ever gets to hear you practice and such is very lucky
