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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul


Fire In The Night

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Well, the truth is I run a little hot. I think maybe all artists do. Creative fire is creative fire. Sorry about the vocals here, this is the scratch track, didn’t have time to lay down the real thing before the clock struck twelve and I turned back into a lowly pumpkin, and it’ll likely be a awhile before I can say for it real. But, it works.

shortbusmusic's avatar
shortbusmusic said

I don't think there is anything wrong with the vocals on this one, spot on I would say. I love your voice. It's a combination of Tom Waits and David Bowie - and what feels like years spent paying your dues. I'm a fan.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I like your attitude man. Rules for writing?? That's a scary thought indeed.

iconoclast's avatar
iconoclast said

Thanks for the comments on this. It's funny, but the first tracks I put on here (Evolution, Fire In the night, Walk Down A Long Road) Were tracks I never released, or went any further with. I more than liked them myself, but the feedback I'd gotten from other writers was: too simple; not enough parts (verse, chorus, bridge), and of course, I AM am iconoclast, I give a flying fart about the "rules of writing" I kept them as they were. It is very gratifying to have other people get these. I wanted these songs to be the lyrics, wedded to the msuic, not served up on it like roasted turkeys. I am by nature a minimalist. I don't like clutter. I'm learning to create and produce songs in the studio that do have more to them. But to me they still have to be about the emotion, to advance the evoking of that emotion, or they're just ego stroking for the musically inclined. Again, my deepest thanks, and humble appreciation.

Soar's avatar
Soar said

Another good one!

Guest said

Great guitars!

Soar's avatar
Soar said

Really enjoying a real "mood" about it. Keep 'em coming!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This is Sublime!!!!! The acoustic in mix draws me right in..... I'm Glad our Paths Crossed!!! Superb Voice by the way!!! Full of feeling! Awesome Performance!

Guest said

Like this :)
