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osckilo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Tharek Ali Mokbul



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I recorded this one to a dimming flashlight on the 25th after a windstorm took out my power. I couldn’t see the lyrics anymore so I ad libbed and hummed the rest out. My recording device is battery operated, which is cool.

This predicament forced me to abandon my RPM efforts, and it didn’t make it any easier knowing that RPM HQ is only 25mi from my house. I could have driven a damn CD in.

Ah, there’s always next year…


Take hold
Of our broken lives
And troubled souls

They say we age
Like a fine wine
But my kind
Is made of roots and vines

Garbage in
Trouble out
Full of fear
Fits of doubt

We don’t know
What we’re all about
Till it’s too late
And we can’t get out

In the darkness
The moon shines bright
But not enough
To walk the night

And my advice
To those with sight
Buy some batteries
For your flashlight

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Forgot to log in.... Sorry to dissapoint bro... Lol!!

Guest said

Still freaking Awesome! I would love to Play a live set with you bro! Just heard a lyric in this that must have inspiered one of my most recent tunes... You get in a persons Brain bro...

da gubbamint's avatar
da gubbamint said


Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

had to listen to this one again, awesome.

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

so good man, cool back story.

c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

i cant tell you why i like this song so much..i think its just great..

Zanois's avatar
Zanois said

I concur with Mannequin Races' string ensemble remark. I enjoy this much.

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Great back story to this song. I can picture a string section playing along to this. Great imagery of you sitting by the flashlight recording this as the wind howls outside. Nice guitar sound. What mic did you use?

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great lyrics very cool mate.

Guest said

Pure magic. Even in the face of adversity - the show must go on. Well done, nice track.

Guest said

No objection to the BGE sequel. Nothing but encouragement from my end. Let me know if you need any help with anything.

Guest said

Where does Baby Green Ernie fit in with all this?

Guest said

Oh, shame about your RPM. This is a great song, produced under extreme conditions, I curtsy to you sir.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I guess I wasn't the only one who suffered a blackout during RPM. Thank the makers for acoustic instruments. Great job, in the dark.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

this came out real nice...dark and brooding.

Guest said

Fly on Baby Green Ernie, Fly on.

iconoclast's avatar
iconoclast said

Nice, Launched. I'm a fan of the sparce, (when I do it I call it"austere", "minimalist", pisses off my friends who believe a song has to have certain things in it to be bonafide, and I love doing that too!)And, thanks for the listen, and the comments. New Hampshire? I'm in Kittery Point. Maybe we'll collide at the listening party.

Guest said

Haha, love the howling at the moon part, and your laugh, awesome!

Guest said

Aw, sorry to hear about your RPM - was wondering. I love this track - your voice sounds especially soulful, and the melody tugs at the listener. And great back story.

Guest said

haha yeah Im fascinated by it too. Its crazy how it works. Crazy human ear.

Guest said

Wow. Another great smoking track. If you can record something this good under those circumstances you're a FN talented mutha.

Guest said

Now thats awesome. Hats off man to being able to pull this off in that situation (and a damn fine job too). Great track dude. The vocal melody is great too. And of course anything with the word "Darkness" in it I love!! Nice work. I love the laugh too. It really works and the humming is great too. It adds character to the song and Im glad you did it. It shows that you are a true artist and is able to adapt to any situation. BRAVO!!!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

That was some profound stuff bro . . this track moved me. . . rpm made you grow musically. You didn't fail at all.

xenotolerance's avatar
xenotolerance said

Shame about the power outage screwing you over with RPM, but this track is awesome. Your battery-operated recording came out really warm and nice.
