I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
AAAHHHH!!!!! Love that distinctive Proods sound. I have a dream someday we all get together for the biggest jam. Wouldn't that be fun! Thanks for posting this!
Have you ever felt like it was YOU who were the problem? If you haven't, then you're missing out on one of the purest forms of self loathing that humanity has to offer. This is dedicated to the fine soul who actually did find something lovable…
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
Have you ever felt like it was YOU who were the problem? If you haven't, then you're missing out on one of the purest forms of self loathing that humanity has to offer. This is dedicated to the fine soul who actually did find something lovable…
This song is based on the account of a friend, who had a drunken fling with a stranger at a party and regretted it BEFORE she sobered up. The title is a reference to the 1986 movie River's Edge, and the character played by Danyi Deats.
Have you ever felt like it was YOU who were the problem? If you haven't, then you're missing out on one of the purest forms of self loathing that humanity has to offer. This is dedicated to the fine soul who actually did find something lovable…
"I Won't Kiss You Goodbye" may sound like another crybaby break-up song, but we wrote it after I got fired/quit from a career I'd spent too many years at. It's fun listening to the words with that in mind.
cool, the production has a kind of distant haziness that it drifts in and out of of, it's soothing but also a bit melancholy.
ha, did someone make a flub @ 3:27? "ssssshhiii*"
Another groovy tack from the Proods. Chad the Bad is the name of a terrible monster movie we shot back in ourMass Art days. It's been kicking around for too many years, so we're finally putting it out there, hoping you enjoy it more than my fellow…
Another groovy tack from the Proods. Chad the Bad is the name of a terrible monster movie we shot back in ourMass Art days. It's been kicking around for too many years, so we're finally putting it out there, hoping you enjoy it more than my fellow…
Another groovy tack from the Proods. Chad the Bad is the name of a terrible monster movie we shot back in ourMass Art days. It's been kicking around for too many years, so we're finally putting it out there, hoping you enjoy it more than my fellow…
I hope I don't meet Chad the Bad in a dark alley anytime, even though he sounds like a pal in the end... Love that guitar jam! So fun to hear new music from the wonderful Proods! Hope you all are well.
This song is based on the account of a friend, who had a drunken fling with a stranger at a party and regretted it BEFORE she sobered up. The title is a reference to the 1986 movie River's Edge, and the character played by Danyi Deats.
Heyyyy, welcome back. The sound is bright and delightful as always. I gotta say, the retro pop is apparent but never sounds like it's languishing in the past. It's a bubbly optimism that is sorely missing in garage rock.
She wakes across the ocean, and sighs when she discovers...the man who's sleeping with her looks like her last two lovers. No one wants to be a banana head.
This song was written after I had watched a documentary about Jonestown, which featured music from their choir. They were very talented and I couldn't help wondering if any of them had survived. I'd like to think that there were a couple of 'em…
It's been a while...
This song was recorded with another verse, it ties the song together nicely but who the heck wants to listen to a 5 minute song about depressing stuff? We're really looking forward to feedback from those of you who've like…
The Proods have too many unfinished songs in the hopper...so much going on, but this is something we worked on years ago. I remixed it and finally think it might be passable.
The Proods have too many unfinished songs in the hopper...so much going on, but this is something we worked on years ago. I remixed it and finally think it might be passable.
The Proods have too many unfinished songs in the hopper...so much going on, but this is something we worked on years ago. I remixed it and finally think it might be passable.
Hi Brett...it's been a while, I'm tuning in exclusively to catch up on your BRILLIANT music! Starting with this one....AMAZING. Different from your music that I'm familiar with.
Hi Brett! Thanks for checking in. I've been away too long, trying my hand at other art. My fellow Prood members are itching to do some more music, so maybe soon.
I haven't logged in in a while, and I'm pretty excited to go through all of your tracks I haven't heard yet, so you're sure to hear from me soon.
Rock on!
So thought provoking. I’ve been finding that many of the musicians I follow are composing wistful soundscapes that invoke an emotional response. It’s like the musical world is trying to work its way through some heavy stuff. Well done, sir!
I kept expecting the chord progressions to go one way and then...ZANG! Caught me off guard every time. Great tune, awesome lyrics. I’ll be back to listen again.
Another tune exhumed from the past... 1984 to be precise. A 15 year-old angst-ridden vocalist wrote some words that went something like "Late at night... the shadows... creep across my wall". Happily, the song is musically much stronger than the…
Do you ever have an idea / song that you just need to get out of you and recorded, even though it's so rough that you'll want to re-do it over and over again? This is one of those for me....
Drive Until The Signal Dies
Verse 1
Your Silence…
Steve developed this beautiful track with his ukulele and I added some lyrics to make a "positive message" song for the times we are in.... Hope it makes you smile too...
It Won’t Be Like This Forever
Sitting here on my front steps
A song I made up in retro style, just for a bit of fun ;- ) I used various guitars. It's partly sung in English and some of it in French. I try to do my own mixing, so don't expect too much LOL... Regardless, I hope you enjoy it ! Kind regards…
Its Groundhog Day again......
All day I’m chasing tomorrow
Cause I need Tomorrow to get away from today
But tomorrow becomes just like any another day
It just morphs into today
I don’t know where this life going to
It don’t stick to any…
from the album "the Machine"
such delight to find you
in my mind moving
around my point of view
press escape, there's no return
once you made the choice
it's yours but you can not refuse
whats your game, once you choose
stack the deck…
wrote this song back in 2017 when i had too many thoughts i wanted to express in music, so i wrote a song about having that instead of the thoughts themselves lol...
not 100% how i'd like it to have turned out, but i like it all the same... especially…
Comments on The Proods's stuff
Good song, y'all.
AAAHHHH!!!!! Love that distinctive Proods sound. I have a dream someday we all get together for the biggest jam. Wouldn't that be fun! Thanks for posting this!
It’s like finding the surprising soft side of some scruffy old characters
Sounds like you guys are having fun! Good song, and yes it does remind me a little of the Monkees.
Your songs have that warm 70's slide surfer rock feeling to it! Excellent!
Hi guys! Love the song, but it makes me wish you’d write one about ME!- Pam
I expect they didn't have to look very far! Another fabulous timeless anthem, Proods.
lol, I missed this one the first time around.
cool, the production has a kind of distant haziness that it drifts in and out of of, it's soothing but also a bit melancholy. ha, did someone make a flub @ 3:27? "ssssshhiii*"
Two new favs, you guys are killin it. Keep it up.
Hi JC, Fun tune. Do you still have a copy of the movie?
I hope I don't meet Chad the Bad in a dark alley anytime, even though he sounds like a pal in the end... Love that guitar jam! So fun to hear new music from the wonderful Proods! Hope you all are well.
Heyyyy, welcome back. The sound is bright and delightful as always. I gotta say, the retro pop is apparent but never sounds like it's languishing in the past. It's a bubbly optimism that is sorely missing in garage rock.
Another good'n. I thought I commented on this before, guess not! Very tight performance, cool bass line and lovely vocals.
Good one, I really like the mix, especially the drums and electric. Melty and retro crunchy!
What a darkly inspiring song! Your ability to combine whimsy and tragic imagery is wonderful!
love it. getting that Beatles roll around..
Capturing the early 60's English beat in their own way! The Proods !
I love it. Good energy.
*applause* The Awesome Proods.
Comments made by The Proods
I told y'all I'd be back to revisit your music.
This is perfect ambience!
Hi Brett...it's been a while, I'm tuning in exclusively to catch up on your BRILLIANT music! Starting with this one....AMAZING. Different from your music that I'm familiar with.
Hi Brett! Thanks for checking in. I've been away too long, trying my hand at other art. My fellow Prood members are itching to do some more music, so maybe soon. I haven't logged in in a while, and I'm pretty excited to go through all of your tracks I haven't heard yet, so you're sure to hear from me soon. Rock on!
So thought provoking. I’ve been finding that many of the musicians I follow are composing wistful soundscapes that invoke an emotional response. It’s like the musical world is trying to work its way through some heavy stuff. Well done, sir!
The Pink Floyd vibe is clear and spot-on. Great track.
Love this. Moody and ambiguous…back in the day, this would have made a really cool b-side.
I like the sound of the electric guitar…it reminds me of classic 80’s rock. Your voice sounds great. Another gem!
Great work, man. You continue to amazing me with your gift for creating new sounds within the style that’s all yours.
I kept expecting the chord progressions to go one way and then...ZANG! Caught me off guard every time. Great tune, awesome lyrics. I’ll be back to listen again.
I love this! 1984 was a VERY good year.
I still prefer the simple ones...too great!
Awesome! I've been off the grid for a while now, but I'll ALWAYS come back to hear your AMAZING music! Sorry I didn't check this out sooner, man.
You’re lyrics hit the nail dead on. Great work!
I like the mix...retro style is a good description. The song itself is great.
Wow! Maybe my new favorite Brett Warren track! Too great, it's kind of a call-back to your earlier songs...in my humble opinion.
This makes me nostalgic for underground 80's music...It's so RICH and imaginative.
I love this....it has a This Mortal Coil vibe, but it's original. Too cool!