alonetone radio: Most favorited
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Once upon a life
By OsCKilO
Upon a life
Do we find
A happy ending
Are the times
That we try
To race from the line
Slow down Laddy
Wont you go a little bit Slow
So Daddy can
catch up
Hey there Laddy
I could run fast in my day
This one is about how falling in love kind of involves giving up any say in whether or not your heart gets trampled. It's about that fear. Gary doing a sterling job as usual on lead guitar..
She's amazing
Beauty holds no bounds
and her voice…
I tried to get the vocoder to work. It didn't in so many ways....
Had the blues in Alabama
Had the blues in Texas too
Had the blues all over
Now I 'm givin' em to you
And if you don't want em
You know what you can do
You wont find me I'm goin' ta run and hide away from you
Because I see trouble
smooth chillout track ... something to relax with a little bit edge ...
peace, rei
jpeg is Centaur 2 by SnowSkadi
A while back Kraig Grady, the author of the JI tuning "Centaur" asked me to transpose my piece Centaur's Pasture composed in his tuning to different "keys" in order to hear the different character each transposition…
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
Tis a true story about a friend, I was fascinated by the concept of friends sharing one black "funeral" dress passing it along like it was a hip handbag
She went to work like any other day
It didn't hit her till that package came
The first…
well this will be kind of random for my listeners... but what the "hey" as they say!
In a bit of a writing desert lately, but had a lovely walk two days ago, and got inspired by the sounds coming from newly frozen ice with at least 1000 migrating…
This song has a specific goodbye story for me, however I am more interested in what goodbye the listener attaches to the song.
I needed a place to host a work in progress where it wouldn't be obvious so you might have found a secret mix!!!
So that 4 minute song with the slide guitar that no-one listens to is gone ;-)
The intro here is a fuzzed up guitar harmonic and a harmonica. I'd like to take that idea to another level.
So come down, and fade away,
The lights are still hanging from last holidays.
And the place in the dark, we'd occupy,
Is leaving my heart, feeling nullified.
So slow down, and walk with me,
Dark empty lanes, under heavy leafless trees…
Low-frills bass and piano piece. Not my usual fare (whatever that is), but still fun to create.