alonetone radio: Most favorited
Most favorited
I remember when we were young
I remember waiting for the sun
you said you loved me
you said you need me
you said you want me
and that was forever
I remember the stories of our days
I remember the tears in your eyes
you said…
Bookending the "Late December" CD, this song about my little girls on Christmas morning holds a special place in my heart. Thanks to Sam and Mick for making it perfect.
One Perfect Day
Go to sleep my blue-eyed girl
The sun is on its…
Well my friends life has been busy. Needed a break tonight and jumped in the car for a drive. One of those, don't know where your going just want to listen to music and relax kind of rides. Headed out and found myself on an old county road through…
Couldn't think of anything to write about so i wrote about that!
This was my very first attempt at recording , done on two tracks , me picking and vox , AK rhythm , then me adding a harmony vocal , a bit basic but a Traffic song i've allways loved
Written for a friend of mine.
be and i will be with you
you are a light house in this storm
you will overcome
you will overcome this storm
don't fear the wall for you will climb upon it.
you will see from higher ground
and the sun…
This remix of an RPM09 tune features electric guitar by Chris Mitchell.
Vocals by Greg Connor, lyrics by Connor and Merry Bear, music by Bear.
And y'all thought the Hokey Pokey was what it was all about! This song is 4 dimensional – up/down, left/right, in/out, now/then. BIG THANKS to Greg Connor for fabulous vocals…
Recently, my wife and I discovered the TV show Portlandia, and it has become our Saturday morning ritual to watch the latest episode with our coffee. Anyways, I kind of got the theme song (…
Another dirty mp3 sent 'round the world. Kind of like a musical chain letter :) A song I wrote about out of body experiences. It showed up finished in my email one day - No kidding!!!
Another song entirely created by the Boss Micro BR…
My first rejected Ramen Music submission.
Too Much
I wrote you a letter but I never sent it
I was afraid you might never get it
or what if you did and I lived to regret it
and it was just too much for me to take
now its four in the morning…
Lido shuffle from way back in the 80's a Boz Scraggs cover with Johnny Robbo from over at the Cool Lab, John really smashes the music….hope you enjoy
Here is the "more complete" track I promised with backing vocals.
A song about loving the real me...who do i see when i look in the mirror? Do I love what I see?....i really want to.
your wooden fingers have felt before
and now they…
This was the first track i demo'd for this year's RPM but i just got round to tidying it up and adding the third verse. A bit of a feel good record!
Just got my system up again after several hardware upgrade conflicts, and a move to California.
Been thinking about changing this songs ending for a while, finally getting around to it. Good to post here again!