4 Guitars and a Gong
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about.
4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning.
As always, best served with headphones
Some gong clipping at the end- that thing is loud !
Nice, gongs need love as well
sweet! the gong is not even the coolest thing here. the guitar and effects are really awesome here. the gong's pretty damn cool too.
Wow. Now I gotta go find a gong. Let's see. 50 gallon drum? kid's head? Neighbor's Beemer? Hmmm. There's a gong around here somewhere.
Ethereal, floating, meditative...underwater...gong.
Love the intro. Sounds like it's playing under water. Waiting for the gong! Ahhhh, cracker!!!
V, : ) No, believe it or not, the gong is actually not Norms. I sampled this one at at Hojorisin's house
I think sometimes you have stolen the essence of David Gilmore and concentrated it in your guitar. Is that possibly the same gong I had the pleasure to meet after a cheesy western?