Comments on richardlaceves's stuff

richardlaceves's avatar
rpm #4,, i love watching the local birds,, in winter they seem a bit more eager, in my imagination,, they must spend more of their time sitting around their wood stoves, munching on seeds and telling stories of summer days, all the while as the…
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Verrrrry nice, Richard... Captured the mood perfectly.

richardlaceves's avatar
rpm 3,,cello,cello, contrabass, and bass clarinet,, im really getting to love that clarinet!,, thanks for listening , and please send any comments,suggestions, thoughts richard
Guest said

It's a cool tool.

richardlaceves's avatar
rpm 3,,cello,cello, contrabass, and bass clarinet,, im really getting to love that clarinet!,, thanks for listening , and please send any comments,suggestions, thoughts richard
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Richard, I love where you're going. Beautiful! w;-)

richardlaceves's avatar
rpm 3,,cello,cello, contrabass, and bass clarinet,, im really getting to love that clarinet!,, thanks for listening , and please send any comments,suggestions, thoughts richard
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Lovely! Shaping up to be a hell of a RPM for you

richardlaceves's avatar
rpm 3,,cello,cello, contrabass, and bass clarinet,, im really getting to love that clarinet!,, thanks for listening , and please send any comments,suggestions, thoughts richard
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said


richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Nice one. Me and the missus are watching Band Of Brothers again at the moment - for me, this has the same emotional kick to it that the B.O.B. theme has.

richardlaceves's avatar
rpm 3,,cello,cello, contrabass, and bass clarinet,, im really getting to love that clarinet!,, thanks for listening , and please send any comments,suggestions, thoughts richard
Nosda Cariad's avatar
Nosda Cariad said

Really nice baroque piece!

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
Guest said

Richard I am Following this, Good results so far. I think the brass and strings might rub nicely with B3 organ. I dont know if thats possible , but it just pops in my mind.

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Again Richard, this is absolutely beautiful! w;-)

richardlaceves's avatar
piano moment #19
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Thank you so much, Richard for your kind words. Glad we got you up dancing on, "old". I had trouble standing still when I was recording the vocal. LOL! I wish I could find the right words of what your music does for me. I'm always moved. It takes me somewhere. You are so very talented. XO

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

Hey Richard...thanks and yes I used to go to the Owl Bar.(my wife used to work across the street from the Belvedere a long time ago)..and it is still open, but I have not been there in years. lover this piece of music by the way...great mood music!!

richardlaceves's avatar
First of my rpm traks,, this year i am going to try to learn a bit about composing for midi orchestra, with that in mind i have began (in jan) to read several books on midi orchestration, orchestration and counterpoint,,, while these will probably…
Guest said

Keep reading and keep experimenting and playing. I'm loving it.

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
Guest said

Great title for this sombre piece. For some reason it brought a mental picture of Arlington Cemetry to mind so I hopefully got the feel that you intended. Fine work

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Nice work, and realistic I'd say.

richardlaceves's avatar
First of my rpm traks,, this year i am going to try to learn a bit about composing for midi orchestra, with that in mind i have began (in jan) to read several books on midi orchestration, orchestration and counterpoint,,, while these will probably…
xenotolerance's avatar
xenotolerance said


richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

This is a very moving piece of music. Excellent.

richardlaceves's avatar
First of my rpm traks,, this year i am going to try to learn a bit about composing for midi orchestra, with that in mind i have began (in jan) to read several books on midi orchestration, orchestration and counterpoint,,, while these will probably…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

A rich and full sound. Beautiful

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

These are both lovely! Looking forward to the rest!

richardlaceves's avatar
First of my rpm traks,, this year i am going to try to learn a bit about composing for midi orchestra, with that in mind i have began (in jan) to read several books on midi orchestration, orchestration and counterpoint,,, while these will probably…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Wow! First effort? Gorgeous!

richardlaceves's avatar
RPM #2, first thank you all for the comments on rpm 1,, once again i forage into the world of midi orchestration,,, while i am beginning with strings and woodwinds,, this is a section from a string piece i am working on,, that somehow led me to…
Guest said

Works for me.
