Comments on Sister Savage's stuff

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Lovely sound and beautiful vocals. I especially liked where it sounded like you were self-harmonizing.

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Aww, Tess. So good to hear you again. Delightful!

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Excellent! Great hearing from you again!

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Ok....I love it. I'll be checking in from now on!

Sister Savage's avatar
With music by Geoffrey Armes, written and recorded for RPM 2017.
blantsimonetti's avatar
blantsimonetti said


Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
#SUPREME's avatar

Nice one

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Perfection! - but we all do not expect less for you and your collaborators Tess!

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
Guest said

Lovely song, perfect music and beautifully sung. I'll give it 11. Ma x

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Nice production,at first I thought the vocals were too far right panned.Then the whole began to unfold and all fell into place. The rhythm track took off just right on the two and four and damn if the whistle didn't drop in just right. Nicely done all. Yankee

Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
angie fights crime's avatar
angie fights crime said

youre the best.

Sister Savage's avatar
Everyone has at least *one* album in them!
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

spacious landscapes of sound. really colorful.

Sister Savage's avatar
Everyone has at least *one* album in them!
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Ohhhhh it must be in the family D N A. My skies have gone all pepperminty. Yankee

Sister Savage's avatar
Everyone has at least *one* album in them!
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Wow!! Go Girl!!Go!

Sister Savage's avatar
Everyone has at least *one* album in them!
Guest said

Beautifully clad in gorgeous wonderfulness. Mum x

Sister Savage's avatar
Everyone has at least *one* album in them!
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Hey, Tess, checkin' in... any new music on the horizon?

Sister Savage's avatar
Terrible recording due to my old studio set up dying, but a nice keepsake of just how bad things became before the rebuild. Lyrics by Brent Kinder. With piano by Igor Alexeev.
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Standout great track :)

Sister Savage's avatar
With the amazing JS Tolar, as band "Visions of Nell".
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Really expressive lead guitar

Sister Savage's avatar
My first attempt to work with loops I created using midi. With Mr Sandbags (reichatron). There's a really cool version with guitar added by Mac somewhere too, but it's weirdly vanished! Will add as soon as I find it.
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

wow! Great counterpoints. There is the urgent riff then the much longer sounds in back. Brilliant composition

Sister Savage's avatar
With Mr Sandbags (beats and reichatron), as band "Elusive Gene". Played on BBC Radio Introducing. :)
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

I am slightly reminded of Kate Bush now :) Does everybody in Cornwall have such a wise and beautiful soul?

Sister Savage's avatar
With Soundsmith Kamachi. Lyrics heavily based on a poem by Sir Henry Wotton, "Queen of Bohemia".
pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

This one slightly reminds me of San Jacinto by Peter Gabriel :) Your music is sophisticated and accomplished. Brilliant!
