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by Songs From Nowhere Project


Lions and Lambs

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This was a write it and record it in one session song challenge that my songwriting friends and I came up with this week. Lions and Lambs was started thinking of spring, but it turned into a song about relationships… as they often do.

Greg Connor - Guitar
Scott Zosel - Mandolin
Vocals - Colleen Dillon, Melissa Moser,

Lions and Lambs
© 2015 Greg Connor, Colleen Dillon, Melissa Moser, Scott Zosel

Lions and lambs
Which do you think I am
Depends on which day you ask
But today I don’t give a damn
And honey I’m BAD

Lions and Lambs

You tried to show
You’re sweet as can be
You don’t have to do that
In front of me
You look so innocent
But honey I know you’re BAD

Lions and Lambs
Lions and Lambs
Lions and Lambs

You look like a sweet thing
So soft and warm
I’d like to sink my teeth in
But I’m torn
I can’t be with you
Cuz baby you’re BAD

Lions and Lambs
Lions and Lambs
Lions and Lambs

You’ve been pulling the wool
Over my eyes
But I’m not buying
Your cheap disguise
For punishment I’m a glutton
You know how to press my buttons

Repeat Chorus

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

cool country harmonies

Guest said

Love the title, beautiful music & lyrics.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This is very cool dig it

Songs From Nowhere Project's avatar
Songs From Nowhere Project said

I dig it. Guitar and voices. Mandolin? Multiple voices. Live recorded maybe? I am envious that you have access to that kind of community locally. Well done.

Guest said

This is a great song! I can't believe its from just 1 mic! This would be something a person would hear on prairie home companion to bring in the spring. After listening to it a few times I would really love to hear it live!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

Great collab...

strummindude's avatar
strummindude said

You can tell that you had fun doing this. Great job!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yes!

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Authentic rootsy treat. Congrats all

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Is this the song that Paul remixed? It sounds good.

Guest said

I just remembered our "Group Photo". I'll bet these guys would like to see all the pretty girls.

Guest said

Nice! Because you're baaaaaaahd!! So many layers of the season in this one!:)

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Really like this guys

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Somehow we'll have to find a way to have a virtual jam session one day. Ron and Gene can come to MN!

Ron's avatar
Ron said

this may be your best yet.....I love the mandolin....Greg's guitar is awesome...all around great sound, vocals and lyrics

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Great job, guys! Y'all make me want to move to Minneapolis. Is it all that snow that makes y'all such talented musicians and songwriters?

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lots of Fun !!!
