Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
I've been up to my neck in Equations and other wonderful stuff since i started to train as an Electrician that's why i haven't been about much....i've had my head in the books.......anyway by way of some relief from the learning i've written a…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate

thetworegs's avatar
The liars......... WAR!! 4 million pairs of feet walked up an down protesting in the street What they wanted wasn't heard at all They wanted to bring down the heat Talk about the problems rationally But the government didn't want to know at…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Oh yeah....I like this!

thetworegs's avatar
I've been up to my neck in Equations and other wonderful stuff since i started to train as an Electrician that's why i haven't been about much....i've had my head in the books.......anyway by way of some relief from the learning i've written a…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Really nice song

thetworegs's avatar
I've been up to my neck in Equations and other wonderful stuff since i started to train as an Electrician that's why i haven't been about much....i've had my head in the books.......anyway by way of some relief from the learning i've written a…
Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

You sound good live, unplugged, in a cellar! A fab recording. You miked and tracked this number quite nicely. Great job -- Rock on!

thetworegs's avatar
I've been up to my neck in Equations and other wonderful stuff since i started to train as an Electrician that's why i haven't been about much....i've had my head in the books.......anyway by way of some relief from the learning i've written a…
jip's avatar
jip said

Nice one! That's a great song! Well sung mate.

thetworegs's avatar
I've been up to my neck in Equations and other wonderful stuff since i started to train as an Electrician that's why i haven't been about much....i've had my head in the books.......anyway by way of some relief from the learning i've written a…
Guest said

nice job Regs. IAA

thetworegs's avatar
I've been up to my neck in Equations and other wonderful stuff since i started to train as an Electrician that's why i haven't been about much....i've had my head in the books.......anyway by way of some relief from the learning i've written a…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Oh . . . . I like this.

thetworegs's avatar
Trying hard to learn Hoochie cooh to play and sing at the same time for a future gig...excuse the drums what can i say still learning.... the acoustic and vocal are live ...i think it's slowly coming.........
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice and raw like it. And thanks for your comment mate.

thetworegs's avatar
Geas sent me this tune for National talk like a pirate a day so we took it down the cellar and luckily Robert Newton was down there so we got him up on the stage and got him to do this little number......Hoping Yee enjoy eye arrh…
Magnificat Sonnets's avatar
Magnificat Sonnets said

Super cool .. loving it .. on target ..

thetworegs's avatar
with the drums added after.....
Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

I'm impressed that you were able to make that work -- adding the drums later -- but you pulled it off, and quite well in fact.

thetworegs's avatar
Geas sent me this tune for National talk like a pirate a day so we took it down the cellar and luckily Robert Newton was down there so we got him up on the stage and got him to do this little number......Hoping Yee enjoy eye arrh…
Guest said

Ou!!Arrrh!! It's that time of the year again.......

thetworegs's avatar
Trying hard to learn Hoochie cooh to play and sing at the same time for a future gig...excuse the drums what can i say still learning.... the acoustic and vocal are live ...i think it's slowly coming.........
Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

I'm into it -- an acoustic version of a classic hard rock song? I'm always open to that. The lead break was delicious -- groovy effect! Rock on!

thetworegs's avatar
Don't laugh too loud at the drums i'm just a beginner but as the wife say's i'm trying!!..
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

spacey indeed!

thetworegs's avatar
with the drums added after.....
mr-glen's avatar
mr-glen said

Good job mate, works well...What drums did you use?

thetworegs's avatar
with the drums added after.....
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Just listened that album the other day...very well done acoustic version...

thetworegs's avatar
with the drums added after.....
jip's avatar
jip said

Love the album this came off - well done regs

thetworegs's avatar
The liars......... WAR!! 4 million pairs of feet walked up an down protesting in the street What they wanted wasn't heard at all They wanted to bring down the heat Talk about the problems rationally But the government didn't want to know at…
Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

Hell yeah, man -- be proud and tell 'em loud what you got to say that war just ain't the way!

thetworegs's avatar
with the drums added after.....
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Flip, that works... I wouldn't have thought putting drums on afterwards (with no click) would be the easiest option.

thetworegs's avatar
Don't laugh too loud at the drums i'm just a beginner but as the wife say's i'm trying!!..
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Trippy - like it :) You got drums!!! *jealous* I'm not allowed them - no space in Mrs R's office/writing-room, apparently...

thetworegs's avatar
The liars......... WAR!! 4 million pairs of feet walked up an down protesting in the street What they wanted wasn't heard at all They wanted to bring down the heat Talk about the problems rationally But the government didn't want to know at…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Killer , killer ! yes!
