Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Yes....i have always been a noise maker. :) Sweet track man! Love the lyrics!

thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
Guest said

Brilliant lyric Reg and excellent delivery.

thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
R. J. Garn's avatar
R. J. Garn said

thanks fro the comments on my songs. I've finally been feeling better after the holidays, even went and played a few tunes with Jim last weekend. On the song Pirates of the colorado, what sounds like a campfire is actually Jim, about 8 years old, setting at my feet, breaking sticks by the fire as he was listening to me record...much thanks and take your stuff

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
igor's avatar
igor said

~Into the quiet happy miserable song. Another sherry, please~

thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
igor's avatar
igor said

what he's seen and done has devastated him he’s coming down from way up high he’s back from the war singing home, sweet home yes!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has done a reading from Edgar Allen Poe's work The Raven for you this evening in one take mistakes and all ....he hopes the words wash over you with some was a bit of a tongue twister
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

excellent reading, fantastic!

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Guest said

Ad libbed?! Woah, smokin'! I love the vocal arrangement!!! Fantastic stuff, Regs.

thetworegs's avatar
I really enjoyed this collab took me back to my teens....Led Zep 2 was my first introduction into Zeppelin and i loved every track....and thanks to Gene i got to be the lead singer for a few Minutes..
Guest said

Love your rock vox! Serious power there, fella! Great music - love the guitar work.

thetworegs's avatar
The old Blues man came down the cellar tonight and wanted to sing some Elvis and this is what we cam up with hope you enjoy......
Guest said

Great arrangement! Love the piano and backing (synth?) oohs!

thetworegs's avatar
Had an hour or so this evening spare so i dragged the £16 special out and joined Elvis down the cellar and we got down to this one a Regged up version of the Elvis Classic ....
Guest said

Why aren't you knackered? (Great vocal!)

thetworegs's avatar
Had an hour or so this evening spare so i dragged the £16 special out and joined Elvis down the cellar and we got down to this one a Regged up version of the Elvis Classic ....
Guest said

Oh yeah, baby, baby, baby!

thetworegs's avatar
The old Blues man came down the cellar tonight and wanted to sing some Elvis and this is what we cam up with hope you enjoy......
Guest said

This a good song too. The piano sounds great with it. Love the backing, sounds like vocals!

thetworegs's avatar
I really enjoyed this collab took me back to my teens....Led Zep 2 was my first introduction into Zeppelin and i loved every track....and thanks to Gene i got to be the lead singer for a few Minutes..
Guest said

I like the way this changes as it goes along. great vox there Reg. The music is very well thought out and played.

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Guest said

Whoa! Cheer up Reg, they'll be back soon! Loving the music and great vox.

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Geir's avatar
Geir said

really a great song ! Fab guitarwork

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

good Robert Plant-like vocal stylings, cool guitar too...

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Guest said

Shades of Rubber Plant...sorry Robert in the vox....intentioned or not !!

thetworegs's avatar
The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
Guest said

Nice wah....I've sent an e-mail to the beesknees...catch this later got to do thed dinner thang !! See ya

thetworegs's avatar
I really enjoyed this collab took me back to my teens....Led Zep 2 was my first introduction into Zeppelin and i loved every track....and thanks to Gene i got to be the lead singer for a few Minutes..
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

great song, good job!!

thetworegs's avatar
The old Blues man came down the cellar tonight and wanted to sing some Elvis and this is what we cam up with hope you enjoy......
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

great vocal and lyrics, dig it...
