Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has another story for you children sit still.....and listen....i know its a music site but you may like a story........ i know my children do
Guest said

Hang on I just need to get my warm milk .... I like the sea sounds. I really enjoyed that, oh yes I did!

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has yet another story for you children now stay sat and be quite....... you can criticise after you've listened.......
Guest said

Well I'm sitting comfortably uncle Reg .... Ha ha ha, brilliant!

thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
Guest said

Mean and powerful Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Guest said

I'm in this other Reg fan club! He's really gentle and tender. Ahhh!

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Guest said

I bought this track when I was young. It really affected me. Thanks for the refreshing cover. I never really liked Elvis's vocal deliveries but I like yours.

thetworegs's avatar
We join our friends from the cellar on their annual camping trip into the middle of nowhere...they decide to have a little fun and sing a song round the campfire to stop the arguing........if you know the song why not join in…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Great voices, Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has another story for you children sit still.....and listen....i know its a music site but you may like a story........ i know my children do
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Hahahaha! Good one Uncle Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Fantastic cover! Smooth as silk.

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

No this one is all the other Reg........

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Is this your vocal Reg? outstanding vocal. Fantastic vocal. Killer vocal.

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has yet another story for you children now stay sat and be quite....... you can criticise after you've listened.......
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Wonderful !!! Completely Entertaining.

thetworegs's avatar
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
Guest said

Quite a summary - I didn't notice it was a particularly vile year, I guess every year is just, varied! Very interesting track!

thetworegs's avatar
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
Guest said

And my nephew was born, so...

thetworegs's avatar
to cheer himself up Reg thought he'd go down the Casino and see if he could find those riches at the roulette he borrowed some money of Big Ed and suited himself up and away he went....but it didn't quite go to plan and now he has to…
Guest said

Gamblers' Blues! Beautifully observed!

thetworegs's avatar
a little piece of whats left of the other Reg.......
Guest said

Sweet tones.

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has yet another story for you children now stay sat and be quite....... you can criticise after you've listened.......
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HA! What a riot!

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has yet another story for you children now stay sat and be quite....... you can criticise after you've listened.......
Guest said

Very well done!

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has yet another story for you children now stay sat and be quite....... you can criticise after you've listened.......
Guest said

Hungry now. (I've got one of those. I've invested in smoothies.)

thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg is feeling a bit insignificant after being unseen by a woman he liked the look of who turned out to be only interested in the material things she could's a shame but there seems to be a lot of them out there and Love doesn…
Guest said

"Loooooooooooooove"...great vox! @Norm - Hahahahaha!! I'm with Bethan. Love me some beats!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been practising the Am Blues scale and thinking of politicians this evening...........
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Yes, I like this one!
