Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Well this one came from no where but i like it so i thought i'd share like i do everything else..hope you enjoy......
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

I'm digging the peaks & valleys in this one, it really has an epic feel for a four minute piece... I like the ending, but I must admit I half expected you to add "...or did they?" at the last second!

thetworegs's avatar
Spare a thought for those with nothing this Christmas..... Homeless with no family.........and no one to help....... CHRISTMAS ALONE (Lyrics) Nobody is listening no body knocking on my door nobody is near me nobody wants me i’m nobody’s…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Sad Reg, but so true for too many.

thetworegs's avatar
Well this one came from no where but i like it so i thought i'd share like i do everything else..hope you enjoy......
Norm's avatar
Norm said

A happy ending Reg?

thetworegs's avatar
Trelvis the pub singer gave me this last year and i thought i'd share it with wish all at Alone-tone a very Merry Christmas .....
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Merry Christmas Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Down the cellar this evening we were having a bit of fun with this old Elvis Classic ....he didn't seem to mind.....but Dr Nick had been in earlier.........with the one armed Banjo band backing...
Guest said

Great delivery and groovy banjo!

thetworegs's avatar
Now this is different throughly enjoyed doing it....was watching Willie Wonka with the kids and thought!!!!!!! i could make a proper Willie Wonka of that one and so i have with a little help from Ottis down in the cellar hope you enjoy the efforts…
Guest said

I always liked this song. A most enjoyable take on it. Hee hee, I'm singing along - well with most of it!

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
Guest said

Nice tone there! Enjoyed yer vox too!

thetworegs's avatar
Trelvis the pub singer gave me this last year and i thought i'd share it with wish all at Alone-tone a very Merry Christmas .....
Guest said

Ha ha, this is great!!! Fabulous ! Oh, yeah by the way great news! Well done!

thetworegs's avatar
Well this one came from no where but i like it so i thought i'd share like i do everything else..hope you enjoy......
Guest said

Well narrated and some exceptional lines in there. The music - perfect! Coo, I was expecting it all to go wrong, but no, A HAPPY ENDING, yay!!! Merry Christmas Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Spare a thought for those with nothing this Christmas..... Homeless with no family.........and no one to help....... CHRISTMAS ALONE (Lyrics) Nobody is listening no body knocking on my door nobody is near me nobody wants me i’m nobody’s…
Guest said

Powerful Reg! Very well done. A reminder that there are those not looking forward to the festive season.

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Good job with the's definitely that's alright!

thetworegs's avatar
Spare a thought for those with nothing this Christmas..... Homeless with no family.........and no one to help....... CHRISTMAS ALONE (Lyrics) Nobody is listening no body knocking on my door nobody is near me nobody wants me i’m nobody’s…
Guest said

C'mon, Regs. Let's go to Paul's.

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

one of my all time favourite songs this one. :)

thetworegs's avatar
Now this is different throughly enjoyed doing it....was watching Willie Wonka with the kids and thought!!!!!!! i could make a proper Willie Wonka of that one and so i have with a little help from Ottis down in the cellar hope you enjoy the efforts…
Guest said

Scorching vocal! OOohh Wooooaahhhh Yeahhh!!!!

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
Guest said

Such a show stopper! Nice one, Regs!

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Geas for the great music....this one has the vocal of both Regs high and low....hope you enjoy....... Gone to Yesterday (Lyrics) Once upon a time I lived in a life i thought was nothing but a dream The happily ever after was just part…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

thats lush.

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

excellent! great vocals and guitar!

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

thats it man....go Elvis go.....

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
igor's avatar
igor said

from Graceland on pink cadillac, I run.

thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I laughing out loud, nothing better than a "feel good" song. Go ... ELVIS ... GO
