Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
We're all in the same boat with nobody at the rudder and hoping the swell will take us through to the otherside. we've been given time to to think about life while the door is closed. When it opens again lets put all those wrongs to right because…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Such perfect lyrics for these imperfect times. Always so fun to hear your wonderful voice. All my best to you!!!!

thetworegs's avatar
We were having a little tipple down the cellar last night and we came up with a Christmas song for the festive season...hope you enjoy.......... CHRISTMAS TIME AT THE DRUNK’S HOUSE (Lyrics) it's Christmas time in the drunks house and the…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Merry Christmas everyone and back slapping new year

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got a little soppy since he met his new girl, the widow Desirea. His pretty sure she's the one but the old fears keep rising. He knows he has to put the past behind him if any relationship is ever going to stand a chance of working…
Guest said

Reg: I think you should do a Google search on Desirea. I am not so sure that she is actually a widow. Just sayin'. Be careful! You should do a criminal back-ground check on her at the very least.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg will just not listen not only have Chris and Norm told him but Elvis Jim and Louie all had the same advice..Forget her....move on but he is going against all the advice. He just can't get Desirea out of his mind, he loves her. He's trying…
Guest said

Aww Regs, I'm back in town from Rio. Stop listening to your geek AT friends (they don't even know me. I've only met Chris once). Call me - I want to meet you at Hélène Darroze at The Connaugh.

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg still hasn't cheered up ...memories of Desirea keep coming back to haunt him he thought it would be a new year a new start .....which it would be if he could only leave the past behind he got the acoustic down of the wall…
Guest said

You can STFU Norm. This is between Reggie and me.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Reg. Stop. This is not good for you. Just copy and paste the following to Desirea: "I just booked you a flight to Gofuckyourselfville and your departure is now."

thetworegs's avatar
Desirea has done a number on Reg, she stole his Credit cards birth certificate and passport and has cloned him to at least a dozen banks that he knows of. He has lost his house his car everything he has./ And to top it all he cant sleep for missing…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

How many times has she ruffied you Reg? Be honest!

thetworegs's avatar
Well it's hit poor old Reg hard today that it's finally over between him and Desirea so he's written a blues song to exorcise his pain........I've actually tried to put my own drum beat down on this one by using the keyboard as my drums and working…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Reg, it is NEVER actually over with that girl. Nothing she does suprises me anymore.

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg still hasn't cheered up ...memories of Desirea keep coming back to haunt him he thought it would be a new year a new start .....which it would be if he could only leave the past behind he got the acoustic down of the wall…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

That bitch! Perhaps we should make a public service announcement album dedicated to Desirea to (hopefully, but doubtfully) protect others from her seductive evilness.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back with Desirea he's trying to put their past behind him. What can he do he loves here...... AS LONG AS I HAVE YOU Am F C7 G Am F C G AM G C G C Am G Am G I look in your eyes and I see a soul baring blue Nobody knows you…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Regs. You should have called me in your moment of weakness. I would have tried to talk you off of that ledge. You know she is no good for you. You (like many others, may I remind you) have already crashed that car too many times. You gave her your credit card number, didn't you? I fear this will not be the last song you write about that rabid bitch wolf in heat.

thetworegs's avatar
Chris sent me this super Zep backer over and asked if i'd like to do a vocal on it and i was over it like a rash....Thanks Chris
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

It must be nearly time to collaborate again Chris

thetworegs's avatar
Peter bought the old grey wolf down the cellar and Humphrey had to go and chat to him and tell him about his day. This is the story he told him................... YOUR NEVER TOO OLD TO BE A FOOL It’s 7.55 and the doors just opened. She’s giving…
Guest said

Wow I didn't even know you did this, great stuff, Richard

thetworegs's avatar
I was strummimg away with my Chord Wheel and this came out ...... DON'T GIVE UP ON LOVE A C sharp D Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp Sometimes love is going to cause you pain Sometimes it’ll hurt so much you think…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Most creative groove those chords flow nicely . Good vocal value . This works!

thetworegs's avatar
I was strummimg away with my Chord Wheel and this came out ...... DON'T GIVE UP ON LOVE A C sharp D Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp Sometimes love is going to cause you pain Sometimes it’ll hurt so much you think…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Sweet! I’m taking this message to heart. Thanks Tworegs

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back with Desirea he's trying to put their past behind him. What can he do he loves here...... AS LONG AS I HAVE YOU Am F C7 G Am F C G AM G C G C Am G Am G I look in your eyes and I see a soul baring blue Nobody knows you…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Wow! Now that’s a keeper.

thetworegs's avatar
Still trying to figure the Kemper out....I should really start using the Noise gate on it by the sound of this but i don't have the time to do it now as i'm busy doing nothing. Capo 1st Fret D Bm G D A X3 Bm A X4 NO PARTICULAR PLACE TO BE…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

I absolutely love this song!!! Perfectly captures how I feel some days. Awesome writing!!

thetworegs's avatar
Still trying to figure the Kemper out....I should really start using the Noise gate on it by the sound of this but i don't have the time to do it now as i'm busy doing nothing. Capo 1st Fret D Bm G D A X3 Bm A X4 NO PARTICULAR PLACE TO BE…
igor's avatar
igor said

Oh, man. We are sitting on the terrace right now, doing nothing particular but listening to your song about us (Pinot Grigio a bit, too), as we now. I'm loving it, man, you know. P.S. Dude, you are the best, as usual.

thetworegs's avatar
I have a new love in my life A Kemper this is the first recording using it. John is playing guitar i'm theo ne warbleing. Trying to get a different slant on a classic for the band this is as far as we got today but…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said


thetworegs's avatar
I have a new love in my life A Kemper this is the first recording using it. John is playing guitar i'm theo ne warbleing. Trying to get a different slant on a classic for the band this is as far as we got today but…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

I love the sound. great zep cover. this is solid man, it could stand on its own starting at 0:30 swwweeet!

thetworegs's avatar
a bit of doodling turned into this ..... The clock strikes midnight and Jennys heading home Peter, makes do with bus and he sits there on his alone He’s Watching the streets fill with people as the the raindrops form to the glass the falling…
igor's avatar
igor said

