Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Another from Reg and Elvis and the £16 guitar hope you enjoy......................
Guest said

Wooooh! Hot stuff.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


thetworegs's avatar
Another from Reg and Elvis and the £16 guitar hope you enjoy......................
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
oldrottenhead's avatar
oldrottenhead said

magic reggies tea the way tae a wummins heart. yeh baby.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Good tune...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
Guest said

big sound! love it

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
Guest said

Very raw . I like .

thetworegs's avatar
I had a couple of hours to day to play around while the wife took the children into town for their new school shoes which signified the end of summer to me . So of course i went down the cellar and got Reg,Bob and the gang to help me write a song…
Visions of Nell's avatar
Visions of Nell said

Awesome ragga vox over a solid groove - very cool. -Tess S

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis had to have a dabble on this one.......
Guest said

Hail to the King! Excellent!

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis had to have a dabble on this one.......
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

yes.i like it.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has learned to fly............
igor's avatar
igor said

To fly you have to be easier, Commander Reg, or so and stay down until we all, as one, will take off. Whew! Or...

thetworegs's avatar
A first for me a song done completely on the Boss Micro BR.............Elvis just loves this little thang.....i need some practice with the mastering and mixing .....i wont mention the guitar that's a given.....but i'm quite's all…
igor's avatar
igor said

we enjoy as much as you did when doing it, Rocker :-)

thetworegs's avatar
A first for me a song done completely on the Boss Micro BR.............Elvis just loves this little thang.....i need some practice with the mastering and mixing .....i wont mention the guitar that's a given.....but i'm quite's all…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Cool song - nice vocals and guitar

thetworegs's avatar
A first for me a song done completely on the Boss Micro BR.............Elvis just loves this little thang.....i need some practice with the mastering and mixing .....i wont mention the guitar that's a given.....but i'm quite's all…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

the opening pitch with Elvis. outstanding,

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has learned to fly............
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

hooked on the guitar riff at 10 sec. explosive vocals rock

thetworegs's avatar
A first for me a song done completely on the Boss Micro BR.............Elvis just loves this little thang.....i need some practice with the mastering and mixing .....i wont mention the guitar that's a given.....but i'm quite's all…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate dig it.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has learned to fly............
Guest said

What a mood!

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis had to have a dabble on this one.......
Guest said

like it

thetworegs's avatar
A first for me a song done completely on the Boss Micro BR.............Elvis just loves this little thang.....i need some practice with the mastering and mixing .....i wont mention the guitar that's a given.....but i'm quite's all…
Guest said

Babaybaby...yeah man that rocks!!

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis had to have a dabble on this one.......
Guest said

I like your vocal effects alot
