Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Johnny Stones fabulous tune was playing on the juke-box in the cellar last night and Robert got up to do his thing but Reg told him to step down and let him have a go.Reg took over proceedings and blew everyone away down the cellar with his take…
Guest said

Good heavens Reg, are you ok? It's ok, really! You are amongst friends!

thetworegs's avatar
Johnny Stones fabulous tune was playing on the juke-box in the cellar last night and Robert got up to do his thing but Reg told him to step down and let him have a go.Reg took over proceedings and blew everyone away down the cellar with his take…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great job mate like it. Great vocals mate. Love the echo.

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Excellent collab great vocals mate very cool track.

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

awesome!!! hell can't be so bad if its so funky ;-)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had sat listening to the Wrinkled Shirts track and decided it was time to tell you the story of how he found his Mojo. it was a time way back when, to far back to remember. when he was just a young man. when he had decided to fast-forward…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

6:00 mins into it....this is a it....

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Guest said

That Devil's a real bad boy. Fantastic collab, guys!!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was having another conversation with Elvis and Elvis told Reg what his Mama told him...............
Guest said

Fab vox, er, Elvis!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching a documentary called the half ton man and it got him thinking...............
Guest said

Chase scene!

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Guest said

Funky collab you guys! love it!

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Guest said

Wow Regs, funking great track!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg just doesn't want anyone to know what he did yesterday.........................
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Hey, real nice track. This is very grooving and musical. I like.

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

YEAH BABY!!! Thats the Funk !!!!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got a kinda Bluesy political thing going on this one.....he's been reading the paper and watching the's a little too long but i think he makes a you?
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Yeah, man, great song.

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Yeah Reg-man, I love it, great job on the fantastic vocals.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was out tonight on the dance floor doing his thing and saw this beautiful women doing her thing......well if that doesn't make a song what does? YOU GOT SOMETHING I NEED (Lyrics) Baby you got something about you You got something special…
JESMIAUS 's avatar

loooooove these vocals. wow. awesome

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said


thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said


thetworegs's avatar
Ive started to mess about on the drums while Reg has been lusting after a woman from his past who he has lusted after for years ...............
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg just doesn't want anyone to know what he did yesterday.........................
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

cool reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got a kinda Bluesy political thing going on this one.....he's been reading the paper and watching the's a little too long but i think he makes a you?
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

yes I do. Nice piece!
