Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Well as you've come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He's decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he's sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ............. This one, i heard…
beetle's avatar
beetle said

haha. I love it!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been philosophising about life tonight and this is his conclusion............ LIFE IS LIKE A WAVE The body is the sea and life is the wave Life is just like a wave Life is just like a wave Life is like a wave gaining power Life is like…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

I've been riding them most of my life and nothing is better, nice one Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg found himself wandering around the cellar, thinking and he come to realize that he spends most of his life drifting from one idea to another,drifting.........
Guest said

Yea now drifting with this:)

thetworegs's avatar
The Stones piled into the cellar last and Mick and Reg got exchanging ideas and they came up with this one . Sung by Reg with Keith playing the Cello and Mick on the piano but he had had a far bit to drink so.......................
Guest said

Smooth/Catchy piano lick, awesome templeton Vocals/Lyrics, love the strings!

thetworegs's avatar
The Stones piled into the cellar last and Mick and Reg got exchanging ideas and they came up with this one . Sung by Reg with Keith playing the Cello and Mick on the piano but he had had a far bit to drink so.......................
facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

Excellent track Reg , very catchy

thetworegs's avatar
Well as you've come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He's decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he's sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ............. This one, i heard…
Guest said

Its as if a bus full of the Talking heads had a accident with Tom Waits and from the fire comes regs

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been philosophising about life tonight and this is his conclusion............ LIFE IS LIKE A WAVE The body is the sea and life is the wave Life is just like a wave Life is just like a wave Life is like a wave gaining power Life is like…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I've listened to a couple of weird songs tonight. You were the only one I had expected that from though. ;) Minimalistic, experimental instrumentation and highly creative vocal processing, as usual. This may not be my favorite musical genre, but I cannot switch away from your songs once they start playing. They have something mesmerizing about them ... job accomplished! :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been philosophising about life tonight and this is his conclusion............ LIFE IS LIKE A WAVE The body is the sea and life is the wave Life is just like a wave Life is just like a wave Life is like a wave gaining power Life is like…
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Good one regs!!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been philosophising about life tonight and this is his conclusion............ LIFE IS LIKE A WAVE The body is the sea and life is the wave Life is just like a wave Life is just like a wave Life is like a wave gaining power Life is like…
Guest said

smoking song, excellent delivery Reggs!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been philosophising about life tonight and this is his conclusion............ LIFE IS LIKE A WAVE The body is the sea and life is the wave Life is just like a wave Life is just like a wave Life is like a wave gaining power Life is like…
Guest said

I like your vocal Reg, very nice.

thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg he cant figure it out!! ........ since he's been listening to his self help tapes to stop drinking he has never got any money and he just doesn't understand it, he keeps working coming home relaxing to the tape........... then when…
lgh's avatar
lgh said

I have this strange urge to get out my checkbook of all things.....???????? LG

thetworegs's avatar
Reg got Elvis last night to do a special request for LG, but as the TCB band was having the night off Reg and Elvis concocted this one.....................
Guest said

Well they came up with a gem!

thetworegs's avatar
Well as you've come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He's decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he's sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ............. This one, i heard…
Guest said

islands adrift we still flow with the tide

thetworegs's avatar
Well as you've come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He's decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he's sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ............. This one, i heard…
Guest said

Cool bass!

thetworegs's avatar
This is for sure the thing that Reg is feeling it can't be anything else since he saw her in the park he's sure she is the one he is in love with ......................
Guest said

Yeah! I miss me some reggy! Happy stuff.......

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been over to on the other side and found this little beauty a piece of music by Willi Wendon and he loved it so much he's put a vocal to it. Hope you like it Willie.......... IT'S A CRAZY WORLD It’s a crazy world…
spf006's avatar
spf006 said

Hello Tworegs! I'm writing to inquire about permission to use your music in a podcast I produce and of which I am technical-director. Its called the IndieBookMan Show and explores independent publishing every week. You can check out past episodes at We're constantly pairing independent artists' music with our interviews and show topics, for which we give verbal/audio credits within the show and also links with your choice of copy on the website for each episode in which your music gets used. Please let me know if we may include you. Keep up the great work, Thanks in advance, Sean P. Finn Technical Director, The IndieBookMan Show Founding Member, BPN (Baltimore Podcasting Network)

thetworegs's avatar
This is for sure the thing that Reg is feeling it can't be anything else since he saw her in the park he's sure she is the one he is in love with ......................
crackitopen's avatar
crackitopen said


thetworegs's avatar
This is for sure the thing that Reg is feeling it can't be anything else since he saw her in the park he's sure she is the one he is in love with ......................
musicology's avatar
musicology said

cool! becoming insane of all these delays flying around me :D

thetworegs's avatar
Reg got Elvis last night to do a special request for LG, but as the TCB band was having the night off Reg and Elvis concocted this one.....................
lgh's avatar
lgh said

Thanks Reg. Tell Elvis, next time you see him, that I love this stripped down bare-bones type of version That he laid down here.... LG

thetworegs's avatar
Well as you've come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He's decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he's sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ............. This one, i heard…
Guest said

Cool sound effects, and love that bassline!
