Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Kari had this backer on the collaborations list on the other side and i couldn't resist giving it a go. Hope you enjoy Thanks for listening. IT WAS A MADNESS I met this women she said she was, the women of my dreams, full of lust cause…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

This has a great closing credit feel! Anthemic.

thetworegs's avatar
I've taken up Kens Challenge to work on this backer with him.I hope no one is offended by this too much. Its just an opinion , i've tried to describe the conflict in American politics and the world to the new President Trumps and his attitudes…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

He doesn't deserve to have you singing about him, although, your lyrics justify it...hahahahaha! Scary stuff in a clever musical bundle.

thetworegs's avatar
One for the RPM... THAT WOMEN A E D I tell you this women she got no soul she gotta heart made of stone That makes her blood runs cold She’ll take a young man with all that love in his heart When she leaves him he’ll have nothing left…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Another song about me? *Really?* On a serious note, this is very cool - you have one of the most fabulously expressive voices ever.

thetworegs's avatar
another for the RPM the seeker the psychic the depressed turn to to put there life back on track..... THE SEEKER so your the seeker, who can unfold the dreams can you tell me whats waiting out there in the foreseen can you see in to my minds…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Wonderful lyrics and story telling.

thetworegs's avatar
Live in the Cellar...........
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Another killer groove.

thetworegs's avatar
With Rat a tat ta t's drums from the other side ...Thanks Tod
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Awesome retro feel - sounds like a classic.

thetworegs's avatar
This is the start of an idea for the band, i googled three words to describe President Trump and the result gave me the idea for the lyrics not sure if it works or not but hey it's an idea..... Idea for Lumbering beast he’s gross and disturbing…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

b r i l l i a n t

thetworegs's avatar
A 1st mix
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Slinky - awesome opener! Now I want to go to your gig.

thetworegs's avatar
This is the start of an idea for the band, i googled three words to describe President Trump and the result gave me the idea for the lyrics not sure if it works or not but hey it's an idea..... Idea for Lumbering beast he’s gross and disturbing…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

this is nasty in the best possible way

thetworegs's avatar
This is the start of an idea for the band, i googled three words to describe President Trump and the result gave me the idea for the lyrics not sure if it works or not but hey it's an idea..... Idea for Lumbering beast he’s gross and disturbing…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

Big Bad AnD Awesome

thetworegs's avatar
This is the start of an idea for the band, i googled three words to describe President Trump and the result gave me the idea for the lyrics not sure if it works or not but hey it's an idea..... Idea for Lumbering beast he’s gross and disturbing…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Easily an instant favorite. I loved the musical arrangement and your vocals and of course the lyrics!

thetworegs's avatar
another for the RPM the seeker the psychic the depressed turn to to put there life back on track..... THE SEEKER so your the seeker, who can unfold the dreams can you tell me whats waiting out there in the foreseen can you see in to my minds…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Don't trust the seeker ! Nice regs. Like the guitar background on this.

thetworegs's avatar
I've taken up Kens Challenge to work on this backer with him.I hope no one is offended by this too much. Its just an opinion , i've tried to describe the conflict in American politics and the world to the new President Trumps and his attitudes…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Good one!

thetworegs's avatar
I've taken up Kens Challenge to work on this backer with him.I hope no one is offended by this too much. Its just an opinion , i've tried to describe the conflict in American politics and the world to the new President Trumps and his attitudes…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one Trev

thetworegs's avatar
I heard Vaisvil's Track earlier and had a bit of time so i thought i'd add a thanks Chris for letting me play......... Drama in the cheap Hotel room 52 (Lyrics) I’m in room 52 and i honestly don’t know what to do you’ve taken…
Guest said

:) :) :)

thetworegs's avatar
This is a song written by a new friend Reg met , while walking Monty the dog in the woods at the top of the hill, Sherlock the dog and Smed where walking too and they started to make conversation and the conversation turned to music. Reg told…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Really cool!

thetworegs's avatar
Been busy revising....but hey!! i passed..... JUST LIKE THE 70’S Everybody knows that the 70‘s rocked man That rock stars where made of gold  Everybody knows everyone was plugged in the music played with everyones soul Everyone knows everything…
Guest said

thnx 4 listening 2 crack-n-aids , everyone knows 34+26=60

thetworegs's avatar
i had a visit this morning when i got to the door there were a couple of Jehovah witness's sprouting the gospel i explained i was an Atheist but he was a nice chap ao we had a little chat about the state of the world and what was to be done when…
bookeybbb1111's avatar
bookeybbb1111 said

Like the vox

thetworegs's avatar
it’s last train out of memphis it’s time i lay this love to rest it’s time to look to future stop being obsessed she doesn’t want to know me she doesn’t want me near she wants me to leave her alone it’s become clear it’s become so…
bookeybbb1111's avatar
bookeybbb1111 said

Yeah that one

thetworegs's avatar
Been busy revising....but hey!! i passed..... JUST LIKE THE 70’S Everybody knows that the 70‘s rocked man That rock stars where made of gold  Everybody knows everyone was plugged in the music played with everyones soul Everyone knows everything…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Oh yeah...gritty and hard. Good stuff!
