Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
He is nothing but a no good Junk Man with a Junk Mans soul. But he is your son what are you going to do about it?.............................
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Happy New Year to you, I just know you're going to be as prolific with your great music this year as last. I like the hip hop beat on this.

thetworegs's avatar
He is nothing but a no good Junk Man with a Junk Mans soul. But he is your son what are you going to do about it?.............................
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Cool! Love those whispered vox in the background

thetworegs's avatar
He is nothing but a no good Junk Man with a Junk Mans soul. But he is your son what are you going to do about it?.............................
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

:) Happy new year..(almost here) Regs!

thetworegs's avatar
He is nothing but a no good Junk Man with a Junk Mans soul. But he is your son what are you going to do about it?.............................
Guest said

Tom Waits and The Residents would be proud of this. Great Song

thetworegs's avatar
eshar asked me "if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals...that would be awesome! ." I said "yes" instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think…
Guest said

Raw funk. I like it!

thetworegs's avatar
eshar asked me "if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals...that would be awesome! ." I said "yes" instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think…
Guest said

Super funky bass line. LOVE it!

thetworegs's avatar
I was reading a book in my lounge and started to feel as though someone was watching me. It was silent in the room, the TV was switched off as was the radio. I noticed the web-cam on top of my computer but that was switched of too so i couldn…
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
I was reading a book in my lounge and started to feel as though someone was watching me. It was silent in the room, the TV was switched off as was the radio. I noticed the web-cam on top of my computer but that was switched of too so i couldn…
Guest said

haha, gracious!

thetworegs's avatar
A young mans fall from the excess's of youth.....
Guest said

Great vocal!

thetworegs's avatar
The world seemed different from the front seat up-stairs on the Double Decker Blue ............ an experience with a Blue Bus
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

There is that deep Reg soul...deadly style here. This is deeply recorded, deeply grooving, deeply felt by all who dare click the dark brown triangle...why?...why not...

thetworegs's avatar
The world seemed different from the front seat up-stairs on the Double Decker Blue ............ an experience with a Blue Bus
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Cool! Dig the double tracked vox!

thetworegs's avatar
The world seemed different from the front seat up-stairs on the Double Decker Blue ............ an experience with a Blue Bus
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

wild story!

thetworegs's avatar
The world seemed different from the front seat up-stairs on the Double Decker Blue ............ an experience with a Blue Bus
Guest said

Cool blend.

thetworegs's avatar
eshar asked me "if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals...that would be awesome! ." I said "yes" instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate dig it

thetworegs's avatar
Again Reg left the pub late a little worse for ware and decided to go for a walk into the Maze of darkness to figure out his problems..........
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Yeah I'm a fan of spoken word, ever since I heard Black Widow with Vincent Price. Very super cool Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Here is my attempt at the mile of sorrow hope you like it..........
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
eshar asked me "if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals...that would be awesome! ." I said "yes" instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think…
Guest said

Can't help dancin' to this!

thetworegs's avatar
eshar asked me "if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals...that would be awesome! ." I said "yes" instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think…
Guest said

:-) Totally cooks!

thetworegs's avatar
eshar asked me "if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals...that would be awesome! ." I said "yes" instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

sweet funky ass...gimme some mo!

thetworegs's avatar
A young mans fall from the excess's of youth.....
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

I can see this one grow on's started already. Great work.
